Questions tagged [smtp-auth]

131 questions
1 answer

Postfix sasl relay host

I'm trying to set up SASL to a relayhost to send external email. I've read a hell of a lot and done everything I'm supposed to have done. However our provider won't accept me relaying emails with (we are not on their network, but they say this is ok…
Mr Shoubs
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Authenticated External SMTP Relay

Description I am trying to use "Default MAIL-SERVER" (port 2525) receive connector as an authenticated external relay. I am successful with the mailbox "" but I am unable do it with…
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Postfix SASL allow SMTP Authentication and relay messages

I am trying to set my SMTP server so it allows only SMTP authenticated users to send emails but the actual sending is done via Mailjet. I am running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Postfix version is mail_version = 2.9.6 If client authenticates with…
Vojtech B
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Sendmail will not accept user ID / pass in SMTPAUTH

To cut down on the possibility of spam, I'm trying to set up SMTPAUTH on my Sendmail (8.14.4 on Mint MATE 17.1 x64) installation. Users can retrieve mail from the server with IMAP or POP (using Dovecot), but cannot send mail. First, the daemon…
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2 answers

Is it possible to use CDO libraries (classic ASP) to send mail to Office 365 / Exchange Online?

I'm working on a migration to Office 365 / Exchange Online for a SMB company which until now has been running a local Exchange 2010 server; we're talking about ~25 mailboxes here. However, there's a LOB application which sends messages via SMTP to…
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Setup Postfix with SMTP-AUTH over SASL2 with SASLDB for users to send emails

Hello, I spent the last few days trying to setup Postfix with SASLDB to send emails from my application over SMTP on Ubuntu Server 15.04. I searched, read and tested a lot about it but I can't get it to work. The Postfix and the mail servers are new…
Tamas Szoke
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Exchange 2003 restrict anonymous smtp access only

On exchange 2003 I want to listen for smtp on port 25 only so that * anonymous login is only allowed from certain internal IPs * authenticated login is allowed from everywhere I can't see how to do this. Any IP filtering seems to affect both…
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3 answers

Email server attack from telnet

My mail server having a problem on blocking some attacker that trying to telnet to our mailserver. but i'm not able to block it, ip will keep changing even we block by ip. seems like he is trying to telnet instead of normal from smtp…
Min Hong Tan
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How can I force users to send mail using submission port (587) with Exim?

I would like to force users of a system to send email only using a submission port (such as 587) and then disable authentication on port 25 so I don't have users trying to authenticate using plain text. What configuration changes would I need to…
Dave Forgac
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Exim4 SMTP server allows unauthenticated users to send emails

I use Debian 7.x amd64 + Exim 4.82 on a dedicated server, I also have a working SMTP server on a shared hosting. I would like to setup an SMTP on my VPS that will have some special delivery scripts/filters (e.g. send a copy of all the out-coming…
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Postfix SMTP authentication per domain

Is it possible to configure SMTP authentication on Postfix with different user/pass credentials for different domains? So, I have a MTA that relays emails from ~20 different domains. When sending emails to a specific domain, say, my MTA…
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Postfix security: Accepting emails for and sending emails from my domains only

I have a virtual server running Debian Wheezy, and I am trying to configure it as a Postfix mail server. I haven't found though any easy to follow tutorial on how to secure Postfix... and my mail.log file is already full of requests from spammers…
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Exchange won't log in to smart host

My Exchange 2010 server is configured to relay mail to a smart host. Basic authentication is required over TLS. For some reason, Exchange doesn't feel like logging in. I see the following error message in the Queue Viewer: 451 4.4.0 Primary…
Richard Hansen
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Telnet to SMTP gets no 220 response unless user is specified

My server is setup to generate outgoing email only (no receiving), and is timing out when attempting to contact Essentially the email is generated by a process on, sent to postfix on the localhost, which acts as…
Andrew Parker
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3 answers

Postfix smtpd won't talk to saslauthd

I have an saslauthd setup to authenticate against PAM. It seems to do its stuff: root@sasltest:~# testsaslauthd -u quest -p #### -s smtp 0: OK "Success." I have libsasl 2.1.23, postfix 2.7.1. I have a postfix configured thus: smtpd_sasl_type =…
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