Questions tagged [sms]

SMS is Short Message Service, a message of up to 160 bytes sent to or from a mobile phone; a text message.

SMS is Short Message Service, a message of up to 160 bytes sent to or from a mobile phone; a text message.

54 questions
2 answers

SMS Gateway Hardware/Software

What would be the best hardware and software to set up a Linux-based SMS gateway using a Sprint texting plan?
Ryan Lester
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3 answers

Best Solution for Server alerting system through SMS

We got the 2 GSM modem that use COM port, We want to monitoring our servers and switches, and when these servers and switches reset or shutdown it send us sms and send the status of these. we currently use Solarwinds for monitoring but the SMS…
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3 answers

Installing Software on a Remote Computers without Active Directory

What are the methods to install software (MSI) on a remote computers without active directory on windows platform? The purpuse is to create universal application that installs software on all the workstations in diffrent locations and on various…
1 answer

Determining When a Windows Reboot is Required

We are using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) & Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU) for the distribution of Microsoft Security Patches. We use the following command for installation: PatchInstall.exe /g:0 /d /n /z:ws /c:15 /t:30…
0 answers

How to configure Nagios to send a SMS alert with a cdma Verizon android phone?

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to send an SMS alert using one of our spare Verizon phones. Since the phones use CDMA, I can't write a script using the AT commands for sending an SMS on a GSM phone. I have looked on the internet for AT…
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How do I use SRS rewrite the From header on a forwarded email message

I have a serious problem here. I run a labor dispatch website, where users can register their cell phones (I send them an auth code via text, they enter it at the website, it's entirely opt-in). A job dispatcher can then send offers of work to these…
1 answer

Deploying Java via Configuration Manager / SCCM / SMS

So my package is working. Problem is, it doesn't uninstall the old version during the install. If I run the install on the local system it works fine. Here is the command line I'm using: jre-6u16-windows-i586-s.exe /quiet
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3 answers

AT&T SMS gateway changes today- no more 'from' or 'subject'. Anyone know why?

We use nagios for monitoring at work and I got woken up this morning by a not so helpful message: Time: 07:00:01 Info: Connection refused Normally this would have been much more useful, as in the past the AT&T SMS gateway put text like "FRM: nagios…
0 answers

sms modem and sms server

I have an enfora modem connected to a serial port on my server machine running ubuntu. Basically, it is a gsm modem that can communicate through a gsm network to talk to gps devices which also have gsm modem. It accepts at commands which allows it…
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SPF Failure sending sms message to

I built an application that sends text messages to our employees using carrier-provided email to SMS gateways. The people on Cricket ( are the only ones that are bouncing with a return message like this: Unknown address…
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1 answer

Canot send SMS using gammu-smsd

I am trying to send SMS using gammu-smsd, but it does not work. Modem: Huawei E1550 Steps: #vi /etc/gammu-smsdrc port= /dev/ttyUSB0 connection = at Then restarted gammu-smsd: # /etc/init.d/gammu-smsd restart SMS Sending test echo "Test message"…
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1 answer

SMS 2003 and WSUS on the Same Server?

I'm dealing with a SMS 2003 SP3 server that is also running WSUS 3 and we're experiencing suspect behavior between the two. Neither seems to be giving us the details we think we should be getting. Has anyone heard of any issues or had any…
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Multiple VPN connections at the same time

I am investigating how to set up an SMS gateway that forwards messages to different mobile network operators. Connections to the operators are typically made via VPN. My question is how to configure the connections on my gateway server? Is it…
2 answers

Connect Exchange 2010 with SMS server to send notifications to mobile devices

I want to know the way to connect Exchange 2010 to an SMS server to send notifications (new message delivery) to mobile devices when the user receives a new message.
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4 answers

Free SMS notification of new filtered mail message

Does anyone know how to get notified by SMS for free when a new mail message has been received in the inbox. I am using a script which notifies to my Gmail account if one of my websites are slow or down. During night or off time I could not check my…
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