Questions tagged [sip]

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol can be used for creating, modifying and terminating two-party (unicast) or multiparty (multicast) sessions. Sessions may consist of one or several media streams.

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol can be used for creating, modifying and terminating two-party (unicast) or multiparty (multicast) sessions. Sessions may consist of one or several media streams.

The SIP protocol is an Application Layer protocol designed to be independent of the underlying Transport Layer; it can run on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), or Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).It is a text-based protocol, incorporating many elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Source: wikipedia

278 questions
3 answers

Cannot connect softphone as a FreeSwitch Extension

Having successfully configured and maintained few Asterisk based installations, I have now been provided a task to configure FreeSwitch SIP server. ISO downloaded from Configuration CentOS 5.4…
Nick Binnet
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Setting up a SIP NAT proxy

We currently run a VoIP server using an upstream providers SIP proxy for our clients who are behind NAT. We now have the problem that we re ending the relationship with the upstream provider, and will no longer have access to their nice NAT…
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What is a SIP 'Gateway' and how is different from a SIP Proxy/Registrar?

Recently I started looking at SIP implementation for a future work. I was reading (Googling) about what SIP means and how to go about implementing a end-to-end SIP enabled VoIP network. What I did not get is what use does a SIP Gateway is for? How…
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Does anyone know a good Website comparing all the PBX/IP telephone solutions?

I'm looking for a good website dressing a comparative analysis of the most popular telephony solutions resellers (Cisco, Avaya, Siemens, Microsoft, etc...). I already found a very nice work comparing Cisco and Avaya, but it's not all. What is…
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FreePBX: Basic config?

I've just successfully set up an Asterisk+FreePBX install on an Amazon EC2 instance per this guide: (I've also assigned it an Elastic IP). I'd love to test it without buying…
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Asterisk skips first DTMF

I configured an asterisk server to receive calls from one sip trunk and then dial out through another (my VoIP provider). Both trunks are configured with dtmf mode SIP INFO. The thing is: When I complete a call and send DTMFs, Asterisk Server always…
2 answers

VOIP Codec Preference

Do any of you have a preferred codec for VOIP traffic? I guess this is another case where the answer varies depending on use case, equipment, topology, etc... I'm trying to find an optimal codec to use for remote users telecommuting at home into an…
Mike B
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How to enable asterisk Call Completion on Busy Subscriber (CCBS)?

I cannot enable Call Completion on Busy Subscriber (CCBS) on asterisk, witch is part of the Call Completion Supplementary Services (CCSS), as is the Call Completion on No Response (CCNR) feature. Here's the scenario: Mark picks up his phone (1000)…
1 answer

Getting PJSIP with TLS to work with Twilio SIP Trunking on FreePBX

I'm wondering if someone can help me debug this problem I'm having. I'm trying to get secure trunking setup between my FreePBX server and Twilio using the PJSIP stack. Unencrypted trunking works fine over UDP. However, when I try to enable TLS/SRTP,…
Dominic P
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4 answers

Workaround for blocking SIP port (5060) by ISP

I found out my ISP is blocking outgoing SIP port (5060) at home. I have a remote Linux server that I can use to listen on different port than 5060 and do the forwarding for the traffic. Not sure what iptables rules needs to be applied to make things…
Ahmad Al-Ibrahim
3 answers

FAX on VoIP line does not work

My provider switched me to an IP-based line. Now my analog ISDN (G3) Fax does not work anymore. Is there any way I can use the conventional Fax with a SIP connection? My Router supports T.38 Fax protocol as well as many codecs.
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Linphone iOS behind CGNAT sets wrong Contact Header

We are using Linphone client on iOS over Verizon network. Our client sends wrong IP address on Contact header at 200 OK message as a response to INVITE message from Asterisk. SIP trace Our client's correct public IP address is as it…
2 answers

SIP and NAT routers?

SIP was not built with NAT routers in mind, and I'd like to get to the bottom of this issue to check what needs to be done on all devices so it works with NAT routers, and understand in what context it just can't be used and I should check more…
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Asterisk WaitForSilence NEVER detects silence

I am trying to use my dialplan to play recordings with WaitForSilence to make sure it wait until the person is done speaking or the message is left on voicemail. However, it doesn't seem to wait for 5 seconds of silence. Even if I'm talking it will…
3 answers

Asterisk new PJSIP driver security option

I have a working asterisk environment, but I get a lot of unwanted traffic, like sip scanners of people who even try to call as a guest. I'm using res_pjsip, the configuration is stored in pjsip.conf. But I can't find options like alwaysauthreject…
Haije Ploeg
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