Questions tagged [selinux]

NSA Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is an implementation of a flexible mandatory access control architecture in the Linux operating system.

The SELinux architecture provides general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role- Based Access Control, and Multi-Level Security. Background information and technical documentation about SELinux can be found at

668 questions
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rsync postgres backup to another directory

I have CentOS 7 (3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64) with SELinux enabled. PostgreSQL 12 installed (not sure if it is related). I try to backup database and move backup files to another disk. How I create backups files is unrelated, so I'll skip to the…
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Apache Webserver - Selinux, directory permission

I trying to set up apache on centos 8. The service is running. When i test with wget, I get 403 $ wget …
The Fool
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Allow apache service to execute command on another user with sudo. Set correctly SELinux

I want allow PHP script to execute external command with another user with exec. For this, I call my command like : exec('sudo -u username /usr/bin/command -a arg1 --arg2 arg2'); In sudoers rules, I have added : apache …
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SELinux logrotate issue

It seems the topic is quite popular... So I figured I have issues with my logrotate not being able to rotate tomcat logs. Logrotate configuration is set in /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat as /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.37/logs/catalina.out { daily …
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Apache vhost privilege separation using mod_selinux

I have 2 sites/apps on a server; a proprietary app, and Nextcloud. Nextcloud will be using the files_external storage plugin which allows for local mounts, but I do NOT want it to be able to browse and view the source of the proprietary app... thus…
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Nginx cache mkdir failed (2: No such file or directory) while reading upstream

Edit for answer: It's the selinux causes this problem, the temporary solution is to run this command: sudo semanage permissive -a httpd_t But you shouldn't do that, because of security reasons. I found an article wrote by Danila Vershinin on nginx…
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Need help installing ejabberd on Centos/RHEL7 with SELinux and reverse proxy

I've been trying to get a web client to use EJabberd on the recommended port (5281) through a reverse proxy (HAProxy) on Centos7 with SELinux enabled. I am not familiar with SELinux context rules. The basic problem seems to be that HAProxy cannot…
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MySqld Service wont start on Redhat7 after a yum update

I'm having a problem with Redhat7 after a yum update. Various services wont start and are giving permissions errors. Similar problem to Can't start any service after installing iRedMail on CentOS but different OS, so maybe different…
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HAProxy not detecting backend with non-standard http port

I have a HAProxy setup where the backend server is running a webserver non standard port.The config is as follows global log local2 chroot /var/lib/haproxy pidfile /var/run/ maxconn 4000 …
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Nginx throws 403 Forbidden nginx/1.11.8 errors despite using all answers from serverfault

I have CentOs 7.3 and Nginx 1.11.8 and PHP-FPM 7.0 This is a clean install, and everytime I get the above error page if I change the root for the nginx dir from /usr/share/nginx/html to anything. This time I changed it to /var/www/html. Now I am…
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Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) While Loading an .aspx page in mono-server

Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request Before I begin my question; below is link to my previous problem, It was 503 error; Resolved by enabling seboolian of httpd_execmem: Mono crashes while SELinux…
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How we can see SElinux policies running on a centos system??

I am given with an assignment that how we can see what selinux policies are running on a system(centos), as i am a new and dont know about the system
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Correct CentOS 7 SSH configuration

I'm having some trouble changing the ports on a new CentOS 7 (minimal) machine (IP To log into the new machine, I use a proxy VPS (let's say, IP I edited the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file to disable SElinux and rebooted.…
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Configure Nginx as Reverse Proxy with Apache2 on CentOS7 enabled with SELinux

I'm working on a project for academic purposes, the goal is to use Nginx as a Reverse Proxy for Apache, so far i've installed Nginx and everything is ok, it's listening to port 80, but when i was going to installed apache it says that its already…
Jonathan Solorzano
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Why am I getting permission error from tftp server?

I'm trying to tftp an image to an ASA 5500 and I'm getting this error: TFTP failure: RX TFTP Error Packet TFTP OP Code: Error Packet Error Msg: Permission denied
AXE Labs
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