Questions tagged [scientific-linux]

Scientific Linux ("SL") is an Enterprise Linux distro based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Scientific Linux ("SL") is a Linux release put together by Fermilab, CERN, and various other labs and universities around the world.

The base SL distribution is similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, recompiled from source. Various labs will customize SL, and provide their own customized version called a "Site" which is primarily used that Lab (e.g. the Fermi "Site" is used primarily at Fermilab in the US.)

The main goal for the base distribution is to have everything compatible with Enterprise, with only a few minor additions or changes. SL does not aim to be "100% binary compatable" like CentOS, but instead aims to be as close to the commercial enterprise distribution as we can get it.

See for more information.

52 questions
2 answers

Trying to install SVN client Scientific Linux

I am trying to install SVN client on Scientific Linux but I am getting the following output if I do a "sudo yum install subversion" Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security Setting up Install Process Resolving Dependencies --> Running…
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yum update glibc dependency error on SL 6.1

On SL6.1 I am trying to yum update glibc and it's failing I think with a conflict of sources, but I'm not too sure. I don't really know how to parse the yum error, but here it is: # yum update glibc Setting up Update Process Resolving…
1 answer

Creating Custom Fedora/CentOS ISOs

I've been working on creating some custom Linux ISOs and have recently ran into some issues. Originally, I used bootcdwrite along with some scripts for create an ISO of the running config on a Debian server. Now I am working on some…
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Troubleshooting an NFS server hanging after authenticated mount request

I need some advice on troubleshooting an NFS server problem on Scientific Linux (RHEL) 6.1. The log on the server shows that an authenticated mount request was made: Jan 13 16:30:02 ??? rpc.mountd[3996]: authenticated mount request from ????:784 for…
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new admin wondering why htop and top show different numbers on scientific linux VM

I am trying to figure out if I am using htop correctly. A top on this VM reveals: top - 17:52:39 up 98 days, 23:05, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 Tasks: 178 total, 1 running, 177 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 0.1%us, …
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Questions about RAID Creation

I'm currently working on a project that requires me to write a script to identify a set of drives added for the purpose of storage and install them as a RAID array. I'm having trouble finding information on the actual creation process though beyond…
0 answers

Scientific Linux 7.2 stops displaying X locally

I'm having the weirdest issue. We use SL7.2 and have a network home directory and AD + SSSD for auth. This means I can go to different computers and get a consistent home dir as well as UID/GID etc. I have a physical KVM to set up computers more…
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IP not showing in /var/log/secure under rhost

I'm trying to get Fail2Ban to block failed sudo -i commands, but the IP is not showing up in the logs. For example when I log into the server with: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa USER@ I then use: sudo -i to get to root. When I check the log I then…
2 answers

Using `repomirror` to mirror a yum repository for a different OS version?

I have an EL5 machine. On this host I would like to mirror a Puppet repository for EL6 rpms. How can I mirror an EL6 or Fedora repository on an EL5 host? I am using reposync because I only need the newest packages available on the repo, not the…
Stefan Lasiewski
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How can I check cron task it's running?

I put a cron script in /etc/cron.d: [root@node ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/reconfig 0 */6 * * * root /root/bin/ But I get no list of cron tasks for root: [root@node ~]# crontab -l no crontab for root How can I check it's running ok? It's a…
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Upgrading from Red Hat 4.x to Scientific Linux 6.x

I have a server running Red Hat 4.x. I am going to install Scientific Linux 6.x. The question I have is do the user directories and other custom directories that I have installed get overwritten during the installation? I have some custom software…
Dan S.
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Unable to authentication after manual edit of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow

On Scientific Linux 6.4 ( like CentOs6.4) When configuring a new server I have manually edited the file /etc/shadow so as to copy the password. Now I can only log in as user root and I can not use any other user. At the boot the server does not…
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Cannot perform smartctl self-test after migrating servers from SLES to Scientific Linux

I maintain several Linux servers, that we are in the process of migrating from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (version 10.4) to Scientific Linux (version 5.9). The six SAS hard drives on each machine are connected to an Adaptec AAC-RAID controller,…
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Java Setup on Scientific Linux showing two diffent versions

Java Setup on Scientific Linux showing two diffent versions. I am trying to get java setup right on Scientific Linux. If I do a javac -version I get the following: java_1.7.0_10 which is the version that I really want to be using. But if I do a…
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3 answers

How do I install javac (JSDK) on Scientific Linux, 64Bit

I am trying to finds a way to install the Java SDK (javac) on Scientific Linux 64bit with yum or anyway.. Can someone please tell me the best what to do this so I can use maven for my builds etc
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