Questions tagged [saslauthd]

saslauthd is a daemon process that handles plaintext authentication requests on behalf of the SASL library.

saslauthd is binary shipped in cyrus SASL bundle. It's functioned as a background process who checks passwords using a variety of mechanisms. This server fulfills two roles

  1. It isolates all code requiring superuser privileges into a single process
  2. It can be used to provide proxy authentication services to clients that do not understand SASL based authentication.

This binary accept several parameters, for example

  • -m path : Specify pathname to the named socket to listen on for connection requests.
  • -c : Enable cacheing of authentication credentials

The important parameter is -a to specify authentication mechanism used by saslauthd. The mechanism is dependent upon the facilities provided by the underlying operating system. The example of them is

  • getpwent -- use the getpwent() library function
  • kerberos5 -- use Kerberos 5
  • pam -- use Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
  • rimap -- use a remote IMAP server specified in -O parameter
  • shadow -- use the local shadow password file
  • sasldb -- use the local sasldb database file
  • ldap -- use LDAP (configuration is in /etc/saslauthd.conf)

testsaslauthd binary was used as test utility for the SASL authentication server. Specify an additional -f /path/to/socketdir/mux if saslauthd establishes the UNIX-domain socket in a non-default location. The example shows the response when authentication is successful:

% testsaslauthd -u username -p password
0: OK "Success."

For further references:

108 questions
1 answer

Can't telnet to Postfix SMTP server after adding smtpd_sasl_auth_enable option

I have the Postfix SMTP server installed on my CentOS 7 machine on port 25. To test that it's working, I connect to it using telnet, like this: # telnet localhost 25 and the result is: Trying ::1... Connected to localhost. Escape character is…
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ldap pass though authentication

We have a scenario where the local ldap will actually receive all authentication requests and then pass the authentication to SASLauthd module when password is stored as {SASL}username. Thus, the authentication will be done on remote openldap while…
1 answer

Using SASL from CentOS 7 Host to Authenticate to Active Directory

Trying to configure SASL on a CentOS 7 box to talk to an Active Directory installation. I've tried a couple different configurations that generate different errors. The latest: No worthy mechs found ldap_sasl_interactive_bind() failed -6 (Unknown…
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Need help creating LDAP Server that syncs users from 3 separate AD Controllers

Hopefully I can get some help here as I have really been beating my head against the ol' keyboard over here. So, here's the situation. We recently migrated end users from an onsite Exchange server to Exchange Online, and the client chose to go…
1 answer

Postfix sasl relay host

I'm trying to set up SASL to a relayhost to send external email. I've read a hell of a lot and done everything I'm supposed to have done. However our provider won't accept me relaying emails with (we are not on their network, but they say this is ok…
Mr Shoubs
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My webmail access (Proxy CAS) fails when I check my mails by IMAP

I use a web sso portal which provides cas tickets. I "cassify" my webmail and my imap server (cyrus-imapd). When I fetch my emails from the Webmail (proxy CAS), it's ok. Except if I fetch my emails with a classic IMAP client and I try to fetch…
1 answer

Postifx and Dovecot: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms

When I sent an test mail from my Gmail to my server, I get this error: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms Here is all my configuration files and log files, to help us: /var/log/maillog Nov 4 14:42:49 ns1 postfix/postfix-script[2147]: stopping…
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1 answer

SMTP-SASL authentification doesn't work

I created another thread previously, where I reported about the problem that I wasn't able to get saslauthd starting up at all: SMTP authentification: saslauthd won't start I now re-installed a completely new Ubuntu 16.04 system on my VPS in order…
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1 answer

Postfix SASL allow SMTP Authentication and relay messages

I am trying to set my SMTP server so it allows only SMTP authenticated users to send emails but the actual sending is done via Mailjet. I am running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Postfix version is mail_version = 2.9.6 If client authenticates with…
Vojtech B
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1 answer

How to protect saslauthd from local brute force attack?

There are numerous instructions over the internet to use saslauthd. I've tried to run the service. It gave me a surprise when I discovered that /run/saslauthd/mux socket and /usr/sbin/testsaslauthd are both available for non-privileged users. So…
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1 answer

Postfix multi instance with separate SASLDB for each instance

I configured postfix with multiple instances (postmulti), each instance has your own IP address and it´s working great, but I need each instance uses it´s own sasldb2 file to authenticate users. The problem I am consolidating 35 postfix dedicated…
2 answers

Postfix config for virtual aliases and sasldb

I'm trying to set-up postfix to handle several domains as aliases, with an SMTP server accepting incoming mails from these domains with sasldb authentication. The documentation looks quite old, and many information sources are contradicting, so I'm…
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Authnetication failure with postfix and sasl using sasldb

I'm really not sure what my issue is. I've checked several guides, and I am sure I have set this up correctly, including config fails, restarting the service, permissions etc. OS is Ubuntu Server. When testing with testsaslauthd -u…
1 answer

Setup Postfix with SMTP-AUTH over SASL2 with SASLDB for users to send emails

Hello, I spent the last few days trying to setup Postfix with SASLDB to send emails from my application over SMTP on Ubuntu Server 15.04. I searched, read and tested a lot about it but I can't get it to work. The Postfix and the mail servers are new…
Tamas Szoke
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Postfix SMTP+saslauthd autentication failure

I try to implement SMTP authentication with postfix and saslauthd on Ubuntu. My IP is W.X.Y.Z, and my VPS IP is W'.X'.Y'.Z'. My user is JohnDoe and my hostname is server. It doesn't work, here are the log file /var/mail/log. When I try to…
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