Questions tagged [roaming-profile]

A Windows concept refering to allow a user to see their information and settings in differente computers saving the user profile in a network shared folder instead the local hard disk.

A roaming user profile is a concept in the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that allows a user with a computer joined to a Windows Server domain to log on to any computer on the same network and access their documents and have a consistent desktop experience, such as applications remembering toolbar positions and preferences, or the desktop appearance staying the same

196 questions
1 answer

In standalone Windows, safely force all apps to use AppData\Local\ instead of AppData\Roaming\ and Hardening security

In "standalone" or individual windows (vista & above: Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, etc OS based) computers & tablets, which are configured to use only "TCP/IP" network component, each has Internet connectivity, and there is no windows-network…
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