Questions tagged [resources]

106 questions
0 answers

Memory usage doesn't add up: most of the RAM gone mysteriously

I have a Fedora 30 [5.6.13-100.fc30.x86_64] machine with 32GB of RAM onboard. Right after boot both free -h and htop indicate that 21-22GB is used: [ andriim@dev-r-vrt-007 ~/work ] $ free -h total used free shared …
0 answers

How to make clone resource start after a specific resource starts in Pacemaker?

I have a master/master configuration which has 2 public IPs (, which are shared between 2 nodes. The idea is that both nodes have one public IP each. And if one of the nodes goes down, the other one will adopt it's public IP and…
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How much resources to allocate for a VM running a selenium remote control

Not sure if this belongs here or on stackoverflow... When I run my selenium tests, the cpu usage on the (windows) VM running the selenium RC goes up to 100% cpu usage for about a third of the time. I thought maybe I'm not allocating enough resources…
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Highest Active Time on SQL Server Disk

I have a SQL Server 2017 instance that seems to be running a bit slowly. CPU and Memory usage looks to be normal, but disk usage might be a bit high. The data files are on disk E and the log files are on disk F. Does "Highest Active Time" pegged at…
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Puppet : Custom resource creation failed

I have tried to create a custom resource type on Puppet which creates a file. However, after adding the type and providers in my module/lib folder and running puppet agent, using the new custom resource, it shows me an error with Unknown resource…
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Apache: Loading external resources

I have two Tomcats on two different servers (machines) working in the same network deploying the same application. The application has a .xml descryptor that loads external folder with configs, images, project properties, icons etc. When I load the…
K. Martin
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virtual machine performance issue

I have a customer with a virtual solution... a pair of session host servers, an exchange server, pair of domain controllers etc. They reported the servers were misbehaving earlier today. We couldn't immediately see an issue but noticed that the…
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What are the resource requirements for x number of users to connect and run code through an RStudio Server instance?

I recently deployed a Centos7 server through Linode and installed RStudio Server. I've created a small teaching exercise and I'd like to have 15 - 20 students connect and run some code. I have two questions: (1) Are there some guidelines for the…
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Combining Resources of Multiple Servers

Can we combine resources of multiple servers into 1 and then create multiple vps's from the combined resources? For Example: Lets assume i have multiple servers with different HDD, RAM and Processor sizes and with any tool / mechanism, i could…
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how do create puppet file directory resource using variable in the name so that it does not add brackets around the name []

When I try the following in my manifest. $profile = hiera('duplicity::profile', 'test123') file { [ "/tmp/${profile}" ]: ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, } I have the following defined in the heira for that…
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Making a exchange resource mailbox visible to certain users only

Is there any way to make a resource mailbox visible to a specific user group only? We've got a meeting room which should be only bookable and visible by a small group of persons. Unfortunately it's not an option to just hide it in the adressbook…
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GPO drive mapping fails and other (logon) problems

We recently increased our user amount on our RDS 2012 R2. We are starting to experience some issues. We have 4 Windows 2012 R2 RDS Servers and 1 Domain Controller/File server also running Windows Server 2012 R2. Every RDS server has +- 10 users, At…
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ngnix proxy_pass HTML resources

I'm setting up a reverse proxy that connects to different localhost ports with different services. This is the NGINX site configuration: server { listen; root /var/www/; index index.html index.php; include…
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openvz: limit resource usage of common services?

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS inside a OpenVZ (Virtuozzo) container. There are basic services running (Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB, OpenVPN, LDAP, memcached, php-fpm, nscd) and I am already hitting some limits as seen in…
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Tomcat cant access network drives on Windows

I have Tomcat 8 installed as a service on Windows Server 2012. The problem is that Tomcat can't access network drives. The tomcat manager shows that it is logged on as Local System Account. I've changed that to This account and selected the current…