Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
1 answer

Deploying Remote DHCP Servers

Please don't be too harsh. I'm quite new to the IT world and any advice/solutions would be greatly appreciated. Problem: I want to deploy Cent OS DHCP servers to different remote sites. This will probably be 4 or 5 different locations. My idea…
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How to force a logout at a specified time remotely for a number of workstations

Background: We have an application which uses a central database. Quite often it happens that some of the clients crashes, leaving zombies in the process table, which keeps the connection to the database. This creates problems during the nightly…
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Options for deploying non microsoft software to remote computers

I am in a bit of a rough spot and I'm hoping that some of you would be able to present me with some options. I have a main office and satellite office where my computer software is updated with a combination of WSUS and GPO Software Assignment. This…
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How can I sudo via a remote chained command?

I am trying to run a script which executes a chain of commands under another user on a remote server. The script contains the following ssh command to return information about the remote user's Drupal installation. My sudoers user's public key is in…
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5 answers

How can a limited user start a task on a server from his workstation

We have a batch reporting software (Visual Cut) that can be used to generate a report on demand to a PDF file. It runs on a single server. I don't want to have to install the software on every person's computer than might need to generate the PDF…
David Steven
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Accessing Active Directory list on Apple Remote Desktop 3

We are working on a project where a software needs to be deployed on a set of Mac clients connected to a Windows Active Directory server. Software will be pushed from a Mac machine using Apple Remote Desktop 3(ARD3) Application available from…
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How to dump remote database without using mysqlDump

I have a similar problem from this question How to dump remote database without mysqldump? How ever when I run ssh -f L 3306:localhost:3306 user@remoteserver -N I am receive the following error bind: Address already in…
Yusuf Ali
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Is it possible to execute remote GUI process locally in Windows?

I know that Linux can open - for example - a firefox window in a local pc as if it was a window opened remotely. Can I do the same thing in windows? N.B. I use PsExec but it can launch a program from local but it runs remotely.
1 answer

How to get process not responding on remote server with Powershell

I don't understand, responding is empty on remote serveur. Get-Process explorer -ComputerName vcass1 | select name,id,responding Name Id Responding ---- --…
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Prevent an RD session from being knoced off when another RD Session tries to login

I would like to configure a Microsoft Server 2012 server to not log the current RD admin user out when I try to login to the same server. Only me the Admin and a developer need to access this server remotely occasionally. We both are using the same…
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Remote access to a machine without using customer network

I have a trouble with a machine dropped at a customer's factory and the customer doesn't want to physically connect the machine to his own network (administration, security leaks, ...). For maintenance or statistics purposes, I would like to connect…
Andy M
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Remote Installation on Dedicated Server

I have a question in my mind. I am reselling dedicated server from OVH and Server4you. I have notice that they have remote installtion feature. Only we need to select which os we want to install and the installation start automaticly. Can you…
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How can I set fine-grained registry permissions on servers remotely?

I'm trying to clean up a massive mistake for someone and part of the clean-up involves resetting registry permissions on about 50 servers. I looked into using regini for this, and it will get me about 70% there, but several of the changes are more…
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Show processes running on remote computer using WMI

I'm using WMI in order to run commands on a remote machine. For now, and I know it's as it should be, the process which is being run is not shown on the screen of the remote, I can only see it running when I open the task manager. Like I said, I…
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Debian - move partitions to a new drive

I have a XenServer6 VM with Debian Squeeze 64bit and only 1 partition /dev/xvda1 95 GB + linux partitions: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 95G 63G 28G 70% / tmpfs 2.0G 0 2.0G …
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