Questions tagged [recursive]

68 questions
1 answer

Answering cached DNS queries

I'm not sure how recursive resolves behave when its cache contains partial of the answer. Specifically, let's assume that first I ran this lookup request: dig @ Based on my understanding, after the resolution process, the…
3 answers

PowerDNS: Is it possible to send different results based on server IP used by the client?

I would like to setup a recursive DNS server with multiple IPs all on the same PowerDNS server. Let's say: I was wondering how I could send different responses based on the IP used by the client. For example, if the…
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chowned root directory recursive

accidently I did "chown -R www-data:www-data /" (I wanted to chown current directory). Is the only good way now to set the system up again from beginning? waaaah -.- Thanks
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Purpose of -r option in chown

Newbie here. Can someone please explain what it means to do something "recursively", in plain language? I have looked at search results for HOURS without finding anything that simply says what it means in plain English. For example, if I use the…
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Conditional forwarder for subdomain through DNS proxy

I have a Windows AD domain : contoso.local I want to forward all requests to some.contoso.local to another DNS server through forwarding DNS server: contoso.Local.DNS => Proxy.DNS => some.contoso.local.DNS I can not allow direct forwarding from…
1 answer

Chmod all files and directories recursively to 666 under /usr

I want to make an chmod command that's recursively will apply the privilegies to all directoris under that. Example: chmod 666 /usr I want that every directory under "/usr" turn into permissions to 666. Thanks in advance.
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How to search recursively for a file in linux?

I would like to search for a file recursively under a directory. How do I search recursively for that file: in the directory I am standing in? in a specific directory? The command should get a part of the file name and do the search, and return…
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3 answers

Find in all sub directories

I have a directory with many sub directories, I want to find a file in this directories so I use this command: find ./ -name test.php but this command search just in the top level directory, how can I search in all sub directories too?
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