Questions tagged [read-only]

93 questions
1 answer

AuFS read only branch as another read only branch

My goal is to use an AuFS read only branch as another read only branch: I've got a directory dir0, then I make : mount -t aufs -o br=dir2=rw:dir0=ro none dir1 This gives me - dir0 - dir1 #read only dir0 - dir2 #write layer of dir1 I now want to…
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install vmware tools in zeroshell 2.0

Situation I'm using the 2.0 RC2 iso from in a VMware ESXi 5.1 virtual machine and am trying to adapt the instructions on HowTo: vmware-tools in ZeroShell for v2.0 as the file layout is a little different. Initial Deviation…
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debian Read-only file system error

I logged on to my debian box and tried running some commands and I was presented with the following message. sudo: Can't open /var/lib/sudo/username/0: Read-only file system After doing some digging I discovered that the fstab had an option on the…
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Linux initramfs read-only

In a Linux system consisting of a bootloader, the kernel and an initramfs (no block devices, no other root filesystem): Is it possible to make the initramfs read-only once expanded into memory?
Axel Fontaine
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2 answers

File in mapped network folder changes to read-only while editing

... the title is not strictly correct. I can "save-as" over the top of the same file via the UNC path. Yes, that's weird. Trying to save-as over the top of that again via the mapped path triggers a sharing violation, as you would expect. I get this…
CAD bloke
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tune2fs: No such device or address while trying to open /dev/sda1?

My hard disk is going to bad: Apr 3 20:26:48 207 kernel: aacraid: Host adapter abort request (0,0,0,0) Apr 3 20:26:48 207 kernel: aacraid: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ? Apr 3 20:26:58 207 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: timing out command, waited…
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Read-Only files causing problems on SBS Server 2008

I've manually migrated (Copy & Paste) a fairly large folder (~100GB) from an old Small Business Server 2003, to a new folder on SBS 2008 server. The folder is a 'shared' area, with full access for 'Everyone' and contains various folders inside with…
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2 answers

filesystem on shared host mounted read-only

Lately on a shared host, the filesystem containing my home folder was mounted read-only for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The technical support did not know about the outage, evaded direct questions. After a bit more than three days I obtained the…
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Running exchange in read-only mode

After a move to new servers, an old exchange 5.5 server must be switched to read-only operation mode. I have tried putting limits in "message delivery->properties->Defaults" sending message size : 1kb, receiving message size : 1kb. After seeing it…
0 answers

rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/dcm4chee-2.18.3-mysql/server/default/archive/2021/11/16/15": Read-only file system (30)

Jul 24 22:41:28 simpelpacs systemd[1]: Stopping MySQL Community Server Jul 24 22:41:28 simpelpacs systemd[1]: Stopped MySQL Community Server Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomp [2]+ Stopped systemct1 status…
1 answer

In the bind mount "hostPath:containerPath:ro" what dose the ro part do?

How do I know I need to add the ro or not? I know the ro stands for read only but why would you need a read only bind mount? How would it effect my docker-composer-yml Example: Containerizing a python app // docker-composer.yml ... volumes: -…
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Block users from accessing anything outside home folder and run any executables on Windows

I am facing a quite complex problem and I do not know how to approach it in the best way. In short I need to block access (browse, display, run etc.) to anything outside of the profile/home directory on Windows + block installation and execution of…
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VM in Read-Only - no commands executed

A Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server VM has entered Read-Only Mode, to the point that basic commands such as ls are not executed anymore, and return the error message -bash: /usr/bin/ls: Input/output error, even for root. A Read-only state is usually fixed by…
0 answers

nslookup domain does not return RODC

i have a subnet which contains an RODC, however a prejoined domain-server cant authenticate inside the subnet. Running a "nslookup" does return a list of every DC except the RODC. I found an article on technet which stated the PTR record…
1 answer

VM filesystem in read-only mode

I have a VirtualBox Ubuntu VM with a virtual disk that is mounting as a read-only filesystem. I'm not sure why that is, and my attempts to remount as read/write haven't worked. One of the last things I did before it went read-only was to extend the…
Jeff Schuler
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