Questions tagged [rackspace-cloud]

108 questions
2 answers

Many apache2 process getting created and server is coming to halt

We have purchased a 20 Gb and 512 MB ram box from rackspace. We have installed apache2, php5 and mysql to run a website (shopping site). The problem from last 4 days is that after some requests the apache process are multiplying and the server is…
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When I do a full nmap portscan on my rackspace server I find port 1984 open - "BigBrother". Is this ok?

I'm assuming this is some sort of Rackspace management port. Am I correct?
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Simple Load Balance Architecture

We currently have a simple 3 server setup: Cloud NGinx/Apache web server (NGinx serves static, dynamic is proxied to Apache/PHP backend) Dedicated Database server Cloud Outgoing email + monitoring server We're at the point where we need to scale…
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NGiNX + PHP5-fpm + CDN Tools (plugin)

I am trying to activate the CDN tools plugin and I keep getting the following error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in…
Chris Hough
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Mount a rackspace drive in linux

Is there any software that will allow me to mount a rackspace drive in linux? I want to copy sql files from my database onto my rackspace. I have web min running a backup nightly and copying those backups offsite would be ideal for obvious…
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3 answers

Scale out or scale up - Rackspace cloud servers

I have a small webserver running a couple of Django python apps, MySQL, and a wordpress multisite instance. It all runs on Apache with mpm worker, fastcgi and mod_wsgi + memcached The server is reaching is small memory limit of 256meg. I have the…
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RackSpace and Centrify

I'm not sure if anybody else hosts with RackSpace and/or uses Centrify, but if you do, maybe you can answer my question. My group would like to control RackSpace ( login portal with Centrify (Active Directory) credentials, e.g., tie…
3 answers

How to use a cloud to host web sites?

To host web sites currently we are using dedicated linux boxes hosted in the UK. But managing them is a nightmare, backups, massive loads, downtime etc... I was looking into OpenStack which was developed by RackSpace. Would it be possible to use a…
2 answers

List/Review of EC2 alternatives?

Are there any other web hosting providers that allow me to create and clone virtual machines like EC2 does? What I know: Azure is no alternative (no root access, .NET only, no binaries). Known alternatives Rackspace Cloud hosting Gogrid Is…
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How can I set up my own DHCP subnet on Rackspace?

Update: As per grawity and MonkeeSage's comments, it seems my question was pointed in the wrong direction. I've updated the title and question below... I'm currently evaluating LXC as an option for my company to safely and easily deploy several…
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Serving index.html and other files via ngnix and CDN (Rackspace Cloud Files)

I would like to serve the index.html file for my domain via a cdn (and a few other static pages). Would it be possible to do this with an Amazon EC2 Instance and Rackspace Cloud Files? I found something that sort of does this but only for an /images…
2 answers

Transfer files to Rackspace Cloud Files

I am working on getting all my client files moved from VPS server to Rackspace Cloud Files. Since there is about 2 GB to be transferred, I am looking for a good tool to perform the task. One way to get this done would be to use Rackspace API and…
Sunil Shenoy
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Switching to new server, but don't want to lose access to old emails

[as a precursor to this, since it is my first question, I assure you that I will check the correct answer and not leave your responses unnoticed and unappreciated (I'm active on StackOverflow and AskDifferent)] I've searched about a bit and haven't…
1 answer

Clone a real server to a VPS

I have an old server ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 2.1 (Panama) ) that is in desperate need of replacing, is it possible using dd / ssh to clone the server onto a Rackspace VPS? Or more precisely after the server is cloned what problems can…
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2 answers

Connection Refused When Trying To Connect To IRCd-Hybrid

I have a Rackspace server running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, where I have installed an IRCd-Hybrid. I can connect to the IRC server using irssi that was installed on the same machine where the server is, but when I try to access it from my computer at home…
Nathan Campos
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