Questions tagged [puppet-dashboard]

The Puppet Dashboard is a web interface and reporting tool for the open source configuration management tool, Puppet.

The Puppet Dashboard is a web interface and reporting tool for the open source configuration management tool, Puppet. Dashboard facilitates management and configuration tasks, creates reports, provides a quick visual snapshot of system information and status.

28 questions
1 answer

Can't generate certificate for puppet-dashboard

I can't generate the cert for use with puppet-dashboard. The dashboard is running on the same host as the puppet-master, both of which are running under apache/passenger. The servername is "mon1", but "puppet" and "dashboard" are aliases for this…
Josh Smeaton
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using puppet dashboard as an enc

0 down vote favorite I am using a multiple puppet master setup with puppet dashboard running on a separate server. I have also configured dashboard to use https running with passenger. I would like to turn puppet dashboard in to an ENC. I have set…
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Can't install Example42 puppet dashboard module

I installed example42 puppet dashboard module using sudo puppet module install example42-puppetdashboard, after that I added class { 'puppetdashboard': }to default node section in site.pp and triggered puppet agent -t. Everything worked almost good…
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Can't run foreman-installer on CentOS 7

I'm trying to install foreman on CentOS 7 to work with Puppet 4.5. After performing all the steps from the manual I can't run foreman-installer. [vagrant@puppetmaster ~]$ sudo foreman-installer Could not get default values, check log file at…
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puppet dashboard: format mismatch while importing reports

a brand-new puppet-dashboard 2.0.0-beta1 can't import any reports: delayed_job workers complain: Importing report at 2015-10-01 04:55 UTC Attribute was supposed to be a Array, but was a ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess Backtrace …
1 answer

Puppet-Dashboard Doesn't Load With Ruby Gem Passenger 5

Has anyone encountered problem of running Puppet Dashboard on Ruby Passenger 5? If yes does it really work with that Passenger version? I've already setup and configured the necessary files required to run Puppet Dashboard via Passenger. Currently,…
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Puppet CRLs in an environment where 'puppet' doesn't resolve right

Due to political reasons above the technical layer, the bareword puppet does not resolve to the correct puppetmaster for parts of our infrastructure. These areas have their own, independent puppetmaster and CA. Today I discovered that... we did…
Blue Warrior NFB
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Centos - cant access node from puppet dashboard

I am trying to setup puppet's dashboard to be monitor the status of my servers. With the below shown configurations, my clients (or nodes) only show up as Unreported and says Has not reported in the dashboard overview - however the node can…
1 answer

Augeas tasks are shown as changed, although the file wasn´t changed

I have installed puppet-dashboard and noticed that all my augeas tasks are shown as "changed". I would expect that augeas automatically checks wether the value to be set is already set and in such case would do nothing. My recipe: $puppet_conf =…
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Puppet inventory service using puppetdb

I have 3 servers set up. A puppet master using passenger (puppet-server1), dashboard using passenger (puppet-server2) and puppetdb (puppet-server3). I cannot get the inventory service working in the dashboard. The puppet master is able to sign certs…
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Puppet: possible to manage windows nodes in Live Management Panel?

I have installed one puppet master server with 2 nodes (Linux and Windows), there will no error showed at all and the master and nodes can see and access eath other. My Problem is that only the linux node is listet under Live Management. Shall I do…
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CentOS 6.6 Apache 2.2.15 Invalid Command SSLCARevocationCheck

I found this which seemed to be related. But unfortunately I have the Include and the ssl.conf file. I have also verified the the revocation file exists and the path is correct. I have also set my SE Linux to permissive. I would appreciate any help.
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PUPPET: Where could be the templatedir if its not in puppet.conf?

I want to remove templatedir from the puppet conf so that there won't be a deprecation error. But its not under puppet.conf or anywhere else I guess. I've grepped for that line almost everywhere..
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