Questions tagged [puma]

A fast, concurrent web server for Ruby & Rack

4 questions
1 answer

Why isn't puma using all of its threads?

I'm using puma and nxinx, and as far as I can tell it is only ever using a single thread even when I start it with the default of 16 threads or more. I've set up a fresh rails app, then gone through the set up described…
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1 answer

Puma with systemd and socket activation - Errno::EADDRINUSE

I have a Rails 5 app, running on puma 3.12.1, MRI 2.6.2, and Ubuntu 18.04. It used to run with pumactl and a custom control script but I want to configure it properly with systemd, using socket activation to have zero-downtime deployment. The…
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2 answers

Rails SSL running puma and EC2 AWS

Specs: Rails 4.2.4, Ruby 2.1.9, running puma, EC2 instance in production mode I have an SSL certificate that I want to install on my server but using techniques like this one yields no results rails s puma -b…
0 answers

Puma Socket connection time out or unavailable under high loads

I have a Rails 4.2 app that is currently running on an Ubuntu server with Nginx and Passenger and it get's a lot of traffic which Passenger doesn't handle very well (very often processes hang). I decided to replace Passenger with Puma as I did with…
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