Questions tagged [psexec]

17 questions
0 answers

cmd.exe as a built-in application pool identity

My IIS web applications run using the built-in application pool identity IIS APPPOOL\Foo. Is it possible to run a command-line in the context of IIS APPPOOL\Foo using psexec or some other tool? There are various blog entries out there showing how to…
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psexec - The specified network name is no longer available

i'm stuck right now on executing psexec to a target machine and getting below error. psexec \\ABC -u DOMAIN\user -p **** cmd /c ipconfig /all PsExec v2.2 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals -…
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Autocomplete in CMD.exe from psexec

I am not sure if this is the best place to ask. But I am just wondering if it is possible to have autocomplete in cmd.exe / powershell.exe spawned by psexec.exe? For example: psexec \\ -u user -p pass cmd.exe Will spawn a cmd.exe on remote…
1 answer

PsExec.exe- The network path was not found

While trying to run a batch file present on a remote machine. .\PsExec.exe \\ -u -p sample_bat.bat I am encountering below error Couldn't access : The network path was not found. Make sure that the default admin$ share is…
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How to use commandline tools (psexec, netuse) that require credentials without exposing them plain text in the logs?

First of all, here are my limitations: I'm running PSExec and Netuse from a batch file. I need to run as a different user than the currently logged in one. We have a strict permission scheme where server admins are not desktop admins and visa…
1 answer

Output is truncated in Jenkins job when launching PowerShell script remotely using psexec

I've created a job in Jenkins to launch a small powershell script on a remote machine using psexec. In my build step, I'm using the powershell plugin and launching the below command: & "$env:SCRIPTROOT\test_psexec.ps1" -Username $env:USERNAME…
Jeff Coe
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How to run cmd.exe using the system account on Windows 11?

I want to run cmd.exe not as administrator, but as the local system account on Windows 11. Apparently it was possible on Windows 10 using psexec. On Windows 11 with psexec v2.40 I get this error from an admin elevated…
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Capturing output of remote process from sysinternal's psexec Script

I'm trying to deploy a program throught PSexec with a script from Bat file to use one CMD instance per computer and not one after the other. I need a log to be generated on my local server to be sure that the the program succeded succesfully but the…
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Creating Windows Cluster with Powershell

I have a Windows cluster provisioning script. I am not able to execute the New-Cluster command as Administrator. It says that the user should be a domain user to be able to execute the command. I m trying to use PSExec to login as a domain user and…
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2 answers

"psexec cmd /c" doesn't work when using @file instead of \\CLIENT1

I would like to run hostname on a remote machine CLIENT1. If I provide the hostname with a UNC path directly in the psexec command it works fine as you can see below. psexec \\CLIENT1 -e cmd /c hostname CLIENT1 cmd exited on CLIENT1 with error code…
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Not able to connect to windows server 2012 after firewall is turned on

I am have Windows Server 2012 hosted with Datasoft. I was able to access the server using RDP until yesterday but mistakenly I have turned on the firewall with default settings. Since then i am not able to connect to server. I tried PSEXEC tools but…
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Having trouble using psexec to update user credentials on remote computer

I maintain a computer lab. I don't want to reimage these computers just yet, but I do want to update the user credentials for the lab without having to go around to each and every computer and doing it manually. I have installed psexec on my…
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Imitating runas /netonly with PSEXEC -e: "domain not available" message

Where I work (as a developer), certain databases can only be accessed if the app doing the accessing is run with runas /netonly and an individual account on a particular domain. (The connection strings specify Trusted_Connection=yes.) runas /netonly…
Ann L.
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Erased System Path Variables

I was writing a batch file that was supposed to automatically set up a computer to receive "psexec" remote commads. Unluckly i didn't really pay attention to what i was writing and i wrote this command and then ran It: setx /M Path…
0 answers

How to close connection when using PSExec on multiple remote computers?

I am using PSExec to run scripts on multiple computers and after a few computers I start getting connection errors (probably because of concurrent connections limit on Windows 10). PSExec command I am currently using: psexec.exe @pc_list.txt -h -u…