Questions tagged [pptp]

Point-To-Point Tunnelling Protocol is an insecure, obsolete networking protocol which exposes a layer 2 tunnel. It uses a TCP connection for control communications and a GRE tunnel for the actual data. It was historically used to create VPNs.

340 questions
4 answers

What is the bottleneck in VPN connection?

I have a LAN behind a Linksys RV016 Router. It is connected to the internet with DSL line with asymetric parameters 2Mbit download / 512 kbit upload. In this LAN I have MS SQL server, and i want to connect to it remotely via VPN. To do this I use my…
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1 answer

What ports need to be open for PPTP VPN server?

I'm running a PPTP VPN server on my DD-WRT enabled router, and it works inside the network but obviously not outside because I haven't opened and ports. What ports need to be open for the VPN server to accept outside connections?
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change default PPTP TCP port

Is there a way to make pptpd listen for PPTP trafic on a TCP port other than the default 1723 port? I khow that PPTP uses more then just tcp/1723. It also uses GRE. it's not a problem. just how to change default PPTP TCP port. And how to configure…
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Replace Cisco 2600 PTP T1

Our office and an outside location have a dedicated T1 point to point connected with Cisco2600's. We need to eliminate the need of the T1 circuit as it is costly and would like to route the traffic over our main ISP with Comcast. I'm pretty sure I…
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Is it possible to create virual hub for PPTP clients?

There is a Linux machine (A) running pptpd inside a university network behind a firewall but with real IP. I have no access or any knowledge of IP distribution in this network, so I can't just set remoteip X.Y.Z.200-250 in pptpd config, since it…
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Route Server 08 R2 VPN (PPTP) traffic to two subnets (public & private)

I recently transitioned our VPN server from a Windows Server '03 box to '08 R2, both using built-in Routing and Remote Access for PPTP connections. Our firewall has a rule that forwards traffic from a public IP address (which the clients connect to)…
David Budiac
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1 answer

VPN IP Routing - slow connections

UPDATE: Router error logs show: LCP Time-out 0 I'm not sure how to correct this. The Lan-to-Lan profiles are set to -1 Idle Timeout (for the remote branch). I have a PPTP VPN running between two Draytek 2820 routers. They are setup that one dials…
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Connect to server via VPN-tunnel to same server

Sorry, if title is unclear, here is the setup: There is machine A, running Linux. A is part of university network and has single network interface with real IP. But connections from outside of campus to port 22 (and some others) are blocked at…
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2 answers

PPTP connection fails during handshake

A user located on the other side of the planet has troubles connecting to our PPTP VPN. The VPN is a regular windows server 2003 VPN and works fine for most users from the US, but for this specific person, it doesn't connect at all. The login window…
Julien Vehent
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1 answer

Ubuntu: pptp client & route all

My purpose is to route all traffic through a pptp connection from a linux machine. (Windows does this automatically after connecting to a pptp server). The command pptpsetup --create TUNNEL --server [servhost] --username [user] --password [pass]…
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2 answers

How Does VPN Passthrough Actually Work?

I am interested in PPTP passthrough here not Ipsec etc. I have looked on the net but can't find out how it is done. I am an IT administrator myself and know a lot routing, NAT etc. I think I know how it works but have found it officially. I am just…
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Inexpensive PPTP appliance

I'm looking for an inexpensive VPN appliance that supports PPTP. I've found a few that do IPSec, but I want to be able to use the built-in PPTP client in Windows. I know I can use Windows Server or Linux for this, but I don't want to use a full…
3 answers

Making to the DNS on two different VPNs play nice

Setup: I have two separate networks I need to connect to at the same time. VPN 1 PPTP IP : DNS :; (Windows 2003) Domain : Forwarder : (Gateway running DNS) DD-WRT VPN 2 OpenVPN…
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3 answers

Routing a PPTP client and VMware Server instance running on the same box

I have a Windows 2003 SBS box. It has 2 physical NIC's: WAN and LAN. The WAN is a public IP. The LAN is a simple 192.168.2.x subnet with Microsoft DHCP Server. Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service is used to provide NAT to LAN. The box also…
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How to setup a fast VPN server

I am trying to set up a VPN that has a fast download speed. The server I have is a linux server and from there I can download 2 megabytes a second. At home I can also download with 2 megabytes a second. All the downloads I do are from the same…
Saif Bechan
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