Questions tagged [power-mgmt]

3 questions
2 answers

Alternative to nvidia-settings GpuPowerMizerMode in Ubuntu?

We have a Ubuntu 20.04 server with Nvidia GPUs and want to change the Power Mode / GpuPowerMizerMode to Prefer Maximum Performance. One way to do this is nvidia-settings -a "[gpu:0]/GpuPowerMizerMode=1" However, that would require an X session with…
1 answer

20 Watt difference between C-states enabled in Bios and same states in Intel_idle?

I am trying to reduce the idle power usage of a dual-Haswell-EP server made by Intel. If I enable the C-states in the UEFI-Bios, the minimum power consumption is about 80W. However, if I disable C-states in the Bios and boot the system, the…
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1 answer

Starting servers after UPS shutdown when input power is restored

I have a rather simple UPS (Powerwalker VI series) that does not seem to have any sophisticated built-in configuration options. When the power is cut and servers detecting that event shut down after a while, servers stay powered off. What I need is…
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