Questions tagged [ploop]

7 questions
2 answers

Extract files from ploop disk image

I have ploop disk image created by dumping an OpenVZ container. There are two files: 791 DiskDescriptor.xml 2.4G root.hdd Is there any way to extract the whole root file system from there on a non-OpenVZ machine?
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2 answers

OpenVZ containers will not start after a reboot

vzctl start 192 Dump file /vz/dump/Dump.192 exists, trying to restore from it Restoring container ... Opening delta /vz/private/192/root.hdd/root.hdd Data cluster 1112 beyond EOF, vsec=47137... FATAL Error in ploop_check (check.c:547): Fatal errors…
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1 answer

Ploop error creating openvz containers with virtualizor

I'm new to Virtualizor and trying to get started. I installed OpenVZ 7 from ISO (Version 7.0.8-390 from here) and everything seemed fine until I installed Virtualizor and tried creating containers. No matter what OS I pick I get Failed to register…
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Ploop vzctl compact ctid unable to reclaim

I have tried using the scripts and also command vzctl compact ctid to reclaim the new free space for the vps with the ploop, but it do not extend the free space. I am getting following result: Trying to find free extents bigger than 0…
2 answers

Is Ploop a bad idea for OpenVZ?

I know that with Ploop you lose disk space as files are added/deleted within a container and you have to manually compact the container, but i have also read that if you reboot or there is a crash the containers can become nonrecoverable. Are there…
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Does updating vzctl and ploop require server reboot?

If we yum update vzctl and ploop on centOS 6, 64-bit, does that require we reboot the server, or stop and start all containers? Just trying to understand if a normal yum update for these two software applications require additional steps as these…
Rob Mangiafico
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Dealing/Fixing the Ploop issue with OpenVZ -- relclaiming lost space

So OpenVZ Ploop has a bug where if users add then delete files the space becomes unclaimed and the disk eventually runs out of space. Now there is a script that fixes that(included below). However, surely there is a better way then running this…
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