Questions tagged [plink]

Plink, or PuTTY link, is a command-line connection utility (similar to SSH) that enables you to automate operations like file transferring and supports several protocols.

29 questions
1 answer

Cannot run passwd through plink

This is my situation. I am trying to run the following command in WINDOWS 7 plink.exe -pw password "passwd user" to change the password for a particular user. it keeps giving me permission denied. The other commands like…
0 answers

SSH tunnel seems to be bound to multiple IPs

I am using a SSH tunnel to a remote machine using plink.exe in Putty on Windows 8. I am also running a web application using the same port. So to avoid any port conflicts I have bound the tunnel to I have also added a host name entry for…
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unable to run the script in linux using plink

I'm unable to run a script in linux using plink.exe. I'm using my user x to login and script is under y user, which I need to sudo to y and run it. I was able to at command prompt manually but not through script (for automation). plink.exe -v -t -l…
1 answer

execute sudo script on linux from windows

I need to connect to linux,run script which requires sudo. now i am trying this way: plink.exe -ssh -pw mypassword -noagent myname@ "sudo /var/squid/ in linux i added in /etc/sudoers file: myname ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:…
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Dell UPS Management Software (ULNM) Shutdown Script Execution Failure

I got a Dell Server (PowerEdge R420) and a QNAP NAS (TS-412-U) connected to the UPS (Dell 1000W Rack), the ULNM Software is installed at the Server, the UPS is hooked up to the Server via USB. In the case of a shutdown event, i want to run a .bat…
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excute script with sudo using plink remotely

hi I have a shell script that I need to excute remotely from a windows machine in a freebsd vm im using plink to do it but unfortunately it's not working i followed the documentation and here is my command : echo y | C:path\plink.exe -ssh…
1 answer

Slow SSH connection establishment with PuTTY but not with OpenSSH

I'm having an a slow connection establishement issue with PuTTY : > time.exe plink.exe -no-antispoof root@X.Y.Z.T exit …
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Key forwarding with putty isn't working, but plink DOES work

I'm having a problem where putty's key forwarding (via pageant) to my gitlab server isn't working. I'm doing a putty session to my server, with ssh auth forwarding enabled. I see the effects of that forwarding in the environment variables on the…
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Open SSH and Telnet behaving strange on windows server 2019 based on timezone of the server

I have a strange issue when I connect SSH from one of my machines to a windows server 2019 I use OpenSSH in the windows server and the client has a private key to connect to the server it works fine if server time zone is UTC + (eg: Indian…
Visakh V A
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1 answer

Using Putty/plink to connect to remote MySQL from Windows machine using Port Forwarding and multi hop SSH tunnel

I need to set up port forwarding from my local Windows machine Port 3307 to a remote MySQL server port 3306 but accessed via 2 Linux proxy servers and a Linux web server. I need to use Putty or plink.exe on the Windows machine to set up the…
1 answer

How to stream tar archive using plink?

I'd like to stream a .tar archive from a Windows machine using PowerShell to a Linux machine and extract the archive from the stream. PowerShell pushes archive content to stdout and plink.exe stream content to receiving command line's stdin. I've…
1 answer

Reliable reverse port forwarding between windows pc (under NAT) and linux server

I have the following topology: Linux server (Ubuntu 20.04) with static ip Windows server under NAT with no option to forward port to this machine I need to access securely port of windows server from my linux server. Currently I have plink.exe…
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How to use plink to create SSH tunnel to database?

I'm working on some software that has a local database, but also needs access to a database on AWS. The database is behind a web server, so the way that I need to connect is to create an SSH tunnel to the web server, which will allow me to access…
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Test A SSH Connection from Windows commandline

I am looking for a way to test if a SSH server is available from a Windows host. I found this one-liner, but it requires the a Unix/Linux host: ssh -q -o "BatchMode=yes" user@host "echo 2>&1" && echo "UP" || echo "DOWN" Telnet'ing to port 22…
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