Questions tagged [php.ini]

php.ini is the configuration file used by the PHP preprocessor to setup the default settings and certain security restrictions.

268 questions
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Prevent logging of a specific warning in PHP error log

Is it possible to prevent logging of a specific type of PHP warning? I do not want to disable warnings entirely, I just want to disable error logging of things like this: [Wed May 12 11:20:17.630952 2021] [:error] [pid 25301] [client…
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2 answers

RHEL PHP 7.3.5 with mysqlnd and apache

I'll start by stating I'm not a server admin by trade, so I've been struggling with this task. PHP 7.3.5 was already installed on RHEL7 running Apache. I have installed MySQL successfully and now I am tasked with connecting to the MySQL DB from PHP.…
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Can't 'php artisan migrate' inside docker

Trying to run 'php artisan migrate' in docker returned following error Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = admin and table_name = migrations and table_type…
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Our WordPress Auction Website increases CPU Spikes hosted in dedicated server

We have hosted our WordPress website in the dedicated server(CENTOS 7.9 kvm [server]) with 8 CPU. Our website is auction based website. So normally 20 auctions will be in live. But our website reaches high CPU usage and spikes. We have tried to…
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500 Gateway with EC2 m5.2xlarge

I have an EC2 m5.2xlarge with wordpress and the following server configuration: How is possible to receive a 500 Gateway Error for importing a csv with 50 users (45 is working)? It seems the error appears after one…
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Installing PCNTL module for PHP7.4 on Amazon Linux

I'm using amazon linux2 and trying to install pcntl extension for php7.4.9. There are no package for pcntl after run yum search pcntl, so I manually copied file to /usr/lib64/php/modules and created /etc/php.d/20-pcntl.ini, file. But I got…
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PHP seems to ignore my of my php.ini

I posted the same question on StackOverflow, but someone told me that I should ask it here: I'm using WAMP on Windows with several version of PHP. The one I…
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PHP FPM Very slow after some 20-30 minutes works after reload/restart (on high traffic website)

PHP is running very slow like loads forever. Below is the www.conf file values ; The number of child processes to be created when pm is set to 'static' and the ; maximum number of child processes when pm is set to 'dynamic' or 'ondemand'. ; This…
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How do I change PHP settings in FastCGI running on NGINX (Debian 8)

The upload_max_filesize is set to 2 MB and I am having issues changing it. I am used to changing such settings in a php.ini file, however, I was unable to find such file on my server. I assume FastCGI does not have such a file? I was able to find…
Oliver Chalk
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How can I change the path of my php.ini conf?

A few days ago, I compiled PHP 5.5 from sources and installed it on my Debian 8.5 server but I got some issues. I decided to remove it and re-install PHP through package. But I still got issues because the path of my php.ini did not change. What I…
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php.ini 500 error when register_globals = On

i am using PHP Version 5.4.44 and have a setting in my php.ini as register_globals = Off i am trying to set it as register_globals = On but it is not working and through me an error as 500 please help me.
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Accidently removed all PHP dynamic libraries

I was trying to remove a startup module folder(ioncube) and accidently removed the PHP startup modules/extensions folder (debian) Now I'm getting this PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20100525+lfs/' -…
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Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter 64Bit - Apache not starting with PHP module

I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter 64Bit. On it I installed Apache 2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl, the Apache server runs fine without a PHP-module. But when I try to load the php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86 module the Apache server does not start…
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Plesk can't/won't/doesn't-know-how-to reload php.ini

So Plesk is pretty much my daily nightmare but I'm stuck with it. Today's practical joke on me is that it won't seem to load changes I make to the php.ini. I'm trying to get a file's contents (via the appropriately named file_get_contents()) and…
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3 answers

Changing php.ini location for localhost

I'm using localhost to run a website locally; my problem is that I can't get the correct php.ini to load. I have set the Directory and DocumentRoot fields in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, and restarted the apache2 server. But running…
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