Questions tagged [patch-management]

Patch Management refers to updating and patching systems, and particularly to tools and systems which automate this process for a large number of systems.

Patch Management refers to the important and never-ending task of installing software updates on systems, including the procedures involved with installing updates, defining update policies for an organization, and tools/systems to help with the patching process.

Patch Management may include patch selection methods (anything from manually reading the CVE list to automated vulnerability scans), patch deployment methods (manually installing patches, various software packages), and patch testing procedures (virtual environments, staged deployment, etc.)

Many tools (free and commercial) have evolved to help alleviate the workload. You may want to include a tag specific to the software you are using. Some examples include:

224 questions
1 answer

Does MS notify when an OS patch is updated?

We know the drill, every Patch Tuesday MS releases a long list of MS13-xx patches. Those typically consist of KB items for individual configurations or servers. From time to time, though, Microsoft will update old MS13-xx patches with additional or…
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1 answer

CRM4 Rollup 5 worth the upgrade?

I have a Microsoft CRM 4.0 application that has been fairly customized. We have not installed any CRM rollup's. Is it going to be worthwhile to upgrade with the rollup 5.
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How to update/maintain a patched kernel?

If I patch my linux kernel with grsecurity, will I still be able to update my system with yum (or apt-get)? Won't the updates available via yum be incompatible with my patched "non standard" version of the kernel? Also, won't the patches be…
John Smith Optional
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How I can generate patch from RAD ready to deploy in WAS?

To use update option directly from IBM WAS-ND , I need to generate patch file from RAD ready to deploy ( already packaged ) . Example : After Deploy HelloWord.ear on WAS-ND 7.0.11 , an exception appear , to fix this exception a class x.calss and…
Eng Al-Rawabdeh
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1 answer

How to patch Solaris

I have Solaris 10 and 11 running on my system. I want to update all of them to newest patch. I don't have license or support plan for Solaris yet (the OS is pre-installed on my server). On Solaris 11 I heard I need a support license and a cert to…
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Error in applying patch in Apache

Recently i have installing apache 2.2.21 from the source for testing purpose. After doing clean installation of apache i want to patch it with the patches provided here: Anyway when i put the patch command…
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4 answers

VB Script for Windows Servers

I require a VB script which when run gives me the details about the latest Windows patch that was updated on the servers along with the date & time.
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3 answers

Get a list of missing hotfixes for windows

How to get a list of all available patches/hotfixes for any given Windows platform? What I would like to do is: Get a list of already deployed patches (using something like wmic qfe list full /format:htable >C:\hotfixes.htm) Get a list of all…
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1 answer

Confirming updates were applied via WSUS

Is there a way to setup WSUS to e-mail a weekly or monthly report which would indicate the current patch status of each computer under a given WSUS policy? I'm hoping there is another way to verify that updates are being applied by WSUS, other than…
Citizen Chin
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2 answers

Finding and downloading all available Win2008 R2 and W7-32bit patches (without using WSUS)

Is there a way to find and download all available MS patches for: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Windows 7 (32-bits) SP1 Without using WSUS or the 'Windows update' tool within the O/S? I basically want to find and download all available patches that…
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2 answers

Oracle Security Update Patch July 2011 - How to know if i am affected?

Oracle Security Update Patch July 2011 I am using JDK 1.4.2_08, 1.4.2_19, 1.4.2_22, and Oracle DB Can any experts tell me how to tell if i am affected, i.e. after installing the patch everything will continue to work fine? Thanks!
Oh Chin Boon
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1 answer

How do you install "extra" versions of backport packages in debian?

I want to install the extra nginx version nginx-full package from debian backports - but when I try to run the install command it says that the package is not found. $ apt-get -t squeeze-backports install nginx-full I have followed the backports…
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2 answers

CentOS and package version numbers worry

I have heard about a vulnerability in BIND. See here: The issue appears to be with certain versions and my version (9.3.6) is earlier than any versions they mention. I did a yum install on…
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1 answer

Unable to apply patch generated with diff on SunOS server

I generated a patchfile of 2 directories using this command: diff -ur source-20110125 source > mailpatch3.patch Now I would like to apply the patch, doing this: patch -p1 < mailpatch3.patch But it then asks me for the file to patch. Why? Something…
Jelle De Loecker
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1 answer

Backporting packages should reverse dependencies be rebuilt

I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty on a few machines and am in the process of backporting / custom compiling a few deb packages to update PHP and OpenSSL. My question is though, should I also be recompiling all of the reverse depedencies for OpenSSL ?…
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