Questions tagged [parted]

GNU Parted is a free partition editor, used for creating and deleting partitions

72 questions
1 answer

Ansible Parted, only run if no partitions exist

I want to only run the parted operation if no partitions currently exist on that device. Said parts could have been made previously or manually outside of ansible in the past and in that case should not be changed and the task skip. name: "Add Disk"…
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Disk doesn't show any partition table or partition changes

I wanted to clone an encrypted drive to a new drive, so I set up CloneZilla to do a disk-to-disk clone. At the beginning, it said 9 hours to run, so I let it run overnight. The next day, it had 145 hours remaining. I figured I could just wipe the…
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RAID10 software raid converted as RAID0

On one of the server, The RAID10 software raid volume had became RAID0 after one the disks in the RAID10 disk group failed. Also the converted RAID0 volume has become inactive. How can we recover the RAID volume after replacing the failed…
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linux + how to extend sdd1 partition based on that sdd disk have enough space

We have rhel server 7.2 version ( VM machine ) with sdd disk sdd disk have parted partition sdd1 , and our goal is to increase the sdd1 partition to 10g from current 1K size From lsblk sdd 8:48 0 20G 0 disk └─sdd1 …
King David
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speed difference between FS created by LVM and parted cmd

I was testing read/write operation on FS to check speed via dd cmd. /app - created with LVM /app1 - created with parted when I run below cmds, can see huge diff in speed for both operation with same cmd. Wanted to know why such discrepancy if both…
1 answer

parted + usage help not described the resizepart

we need to use parted command as example on rhel server 7.2 version parted -s /dev/sda resizepart 2 but from parted help we not find the option resizepart example: parted -s /dev/sda resizepart 2 Usage: parted [OPTION]... [DEVICE [COMMAND…
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rhel + parted failed after increasing OS VM disk and rescan

we have VM rhel machine version 7.6 example from lsblk lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT fd0 2:0 1 4K 0 disk sda 8:0 0 300G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part…
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add additional partition after increasing OS disk size

As part of add additional partition – sda3 we extend the OS disk from 50g to 120g from the vsphere client ( VM Linux server ) And we perform rescan , instead of reboot lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0…
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10TB HDD has a 9999GB partition but only allows me to access 215gb

parted print all result I have a 10tb hdd with 3 partitions and one flag (not sure what that means). The flag is set as 215gb and that's all i'm able to access in the filesystem. I'm running Ubuntu Server 20.04 and i would really like to access the…
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Restore root on LVM with one disk (seperate boot partition)

I did a stupid thing and accidentally removed my LVM partition in parted. Since this was a single disk LVM, parted rescue finds an EXT2 partition in the sectors, but I am unable to boot from that since my initramfs is still looking for an LVM VG. I…
2 answers

Partition didn't resize after increasing OS Disk Size in Azure

I have a Ubuntu VM which has an unmanaged OS disk associated with it. When we increased the size of the unmanaged OS disk from 30 GB to 50 GB(after deallocating the VM and increasing its size from the platform), the changes are not reflected in the…
1 answer

Partition didn't reflect the changes after increasing OS Disk Size in Azure

I have a Ubuntu VM which has an unmanaged OS disk associated with it. When we increased the size of the unmanaged OS disk from 30 GB to 50 GB(after deallocating the VM and increasing its size from the platform), the changes are not reflected in the…
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