We have rhel server 7.2 version ( VM machine ) with sdd disk

sdd disk have parted partition sdd1 , and our goal is to increase the sdd1 partition to 10g from current 1K size



sdd                  8:48   0   20G  0 disk
└─sdd1               8:49   0    1K  0 part

so we expect to achieve sdd1 to became 10g

We did the following examples but without good results

parted /dev/sdd
GNU Parted 3.1
Using /dev/sdd
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) resizepart
Partition number? 1
End?  [21.5GB]? 100%
(parted) q
Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.

parted /dev/sdd
GNU Parted 3.1
Using /dev/sdd
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
 (parted) resizepart
Partition number? 1
End?  [21.5GB]?

we even installed the growpart command

growpart /dev/sdd 1
NOCHANGE: partition 1 could only be grown by -33 [fudge=2048]

Expected results ( from lsblk )

Any advice how to increase the sdd1 to 10g ?


dd                  8:48   0   20G  0 disk
└─sdd1               8:49   0    10G  0 part
King David
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    I believe your `parted` method isn't working because you aren't modifying the partition table. Try the steps in Aner's answer on this post. https://serverfault.com/questions/861517/centos-7-extend-partition-with-unallocated-space – slightly_toasted Jul 12 '21 at 17:56
  • Does this answer your question? [Centos 7 Extend partition with unallocated space](https://serverfault.com/questions/861517/centos-7-extend-partition-with-unallocated-space) – djdomi Jul 12 '21 at 19:25
  • no , I want the simple way , – King David Jul 12 '21 at 20:34
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    Show the actual partition table. – Michael Hampton Jul 12 '21 at 22:53

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