Questions tagged [page-speed]

PageSpeed is a WebServer module that automatically optimizes pages and the resources they use. Google offers it as a free service through their DNS product.

59 questions
2 answers

How to not redirect if requesting server_name only

Most people type in the browser bar: and not Alot of developers including myself have something like this in their Nginx config file which means that this request causes a redirect to the https://…
tim peterson
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How to set expiration date for external files?

I have a site included lots of external files, most of them are gif format. I have no control on the external files, but have to use them(with permission). When I check the site using Google Pagespeed, I got very low score(31) even though the page…
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Apache mod-pagespeed installation affects mod-spdy?

Recently my site (an https connection, running on an Amazon EC2 ubuntu apache2.2) has this issue where I need to load the page several times (3-4) before it will load normally without issue. It will then load normally as long as I keep loading pages…
tim peterson
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1 answer

How do I start using my custom nginx built from source?

I needed to add ngx_pagespeed module to my nginx server. I followed an automated install as descriped here: This downloaded and built latest Nginx version 1.17.4 with ngx_pagespeed…
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1 answer

Website disk space and loading speed

I was wondering if the loading speed of my website is affected by my disk space. For example, my current used disk space is 5GB and most of my files are videos which users can only download. If my home page consists of simply text and few images…
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1 answer

Gap in Waterfall Loadtime test

When I test my wordpress websites with GTmetrix oder other Loadtime Testing tools I notice a gap in the Waterfall graph where no action is taking place. It looks like the time this gap is lost which leads to higher loading times. Is this the…
1 answer

Keep-Alive in Headers

On my server we have mod_headers.c enabled. I'm using the below code to enable Keep-Alive Header set Connection keep-alive Is there any reason why GTMetrix or some other sites doesn't pick this up? Been…
Shane Jones
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Page load time vs tcptraceroute

I'm a project manager working with complicated web application which is placed on 3 different clusters(servers) in different parts of the  world. On every cluster the code is the same. But Google page load time is different from cluster to cluster…
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NGINX Performance

I have moved my website on a bundle NGINX+PHP-FPM. This all works good, but I have noticed one performance issue. It's delay when I'm asking file via HTTPS. For example: I created blank PHP file () and call it via HTTP and via HTTPS. In HTTPS case…
1 answer

Unable to start new nginx binary installed with ngx_pagespped

I wanted to set up nginx with the ngx_pagepeed module. Since I already had nginx set up on my server I removed it before compiling it again using the following commands. sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get…
Yin Yang
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Reduce Connecting time to server for inital request

I am struggling with decreasing load time of inital html page request. It is consistently above 800 ms however other websites they load in less than 300 ms. In this load time GTMetrix shows more than 60% time in connecting only. I don't know why it…
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1 answer

Compiling nginx with ngx_pagespeed

I have build nginx with ngx_pagespeed module. Do I still need to keep the original ngx_pagespeed directory? When I use the compiled binary across multiple servers with mod_pagespeed on, I am getting no response.
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Apache2 Serverload / CPU increase from 1% up to 90% - How to debug?

I´m using: Google Cloud Compute Engine Linux Debian + Apache2 Google Cloud SQL Wordpress Yesterday my CPU started increasing from 1-5% to 80-90%. I was developing on a wordpress site as it happened, but that could cause the failure. I had the…
1 answer

How to cache particular file in folder using .htaccess

i tried google and found one solution at '' but it cache all the file of folder, i want to cache only particular file from folder. please help me Thanks in…
JK Patel
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2 answers

Very high First Byte Time

A client of mine which I will be completely re-building the site for, is having some major speed issues with the current site. It takes on average 4.4 to 4.8 seconds before the First Byte Time to clear (I believe this is correct). Absolutely nothing…
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