Questions tagged [packet-sniffer]

Sniffer is another word for packet analyzer

A sniffer, or packet analyzer, is a tool that intercepts data-packets from networks (ehternet,wireless,...).

A very known packet sniffer is wireshark.

97 questions
1 answer

How i can dump raw packets from an existing tcp socket using tcpdump on Mac and Linux?

Once I know the IP address and port number combo, I can run this to see some of the packets: tcpdump | grep [IPADDRESS] Anybody know how I can now see the raw packets too? Thanks!
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5 answers

how to identify IP address on eth0 when console isn’t available

I need help about the following I have very old Linux server with one IP address, unfortunately I can’t to access to Linux machine VIA console and I not remember the IP address So I now thinking about way that I could to verify this IP address I…
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why do I lose ping to a machine when using port mirroring / monitoring (sniffing)?

I am using port mirroring / monitoring in my 3COM layer 3 switches to look at network traffic (using wireshark). Sometimes, I have found that I loose connectivity with the remote monitor machine (the machine receiving the port mirror traffic). …
Scott Szretter
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3 answers

Understanding VOIP "sniffer" traces

My customer is doing an Avaya VOIP pilot. I am looking at traces in Wireshark to build my troubleshooting skills. I have found much documentation on VOIP, but little that focuses on protocol analysis and how the various protocols work together. I…
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4 answers

Sniffing packets of specific binaries / apps / process id?

Is there a way to associate packets with executing binaries? I would be open to traditional sniffing methods or even dtrace for that matter. I have a specific issue on a system with very high traffic. Sniffing "all" packets and filtering them is…
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1 answer

PCAP to Syslog utility

I am looking for a tool which sniff all the traffic on an interface and produce a syslog like Cisco log in real time. Example : Feb 16 10:19:05 tcp S.S.S.S(6083) -> D.D.D.D(80), 1 packet Feb 16 10:19:07 tcp S.S.S.S(80) -> D.D.D.D(4662), 1 …
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2 answers

Packet sniffing SMTP connection

I have a program on Windows that sends email via a remote SMTP server, and it is failing with an ambiguous "cannot connect" error message with no log or other information as to why it is failing. I have tested the SMTP server and confirmed it is…
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3 answers

Tool to capture outbound http packets in a linux server

I was searching for a tool to capture http packets sent from a linux server to an external server. Normally I use iftop or iptraf with filters to see real time information and tcpdump to get verbose information. But what I need right now is some…
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1 answer

Finding source of RST packet on ASA 5505

I've ran wireshark on our app server and noticed a reset packet is commonly being received when sending data to a remote telnet server when the connection has been idle for an hour or so. I've read that our local firewall (ASA5505) may be sending…
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2 answers

Passing credentials over non-secure, non public domain

Exactly how un-secure is this scenario, please note that I can't use SSL due to restrictions in the website application (yeah go figure!): We have a domain that is only known to the users who need to know The user will be inputing user name +…
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3 answers

Packet sniffing a webserver

I have a homework in which I should explain how I would break into a server, retrieve a file and cover my tracks. My main question: is it possible to packet sniff a remote web server? Other information would be appreciated on covering tracks. Edit.…
Shawn Mclean
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Ifconfig result on the server running PF_RING with zerocopy

I have an application which uses PF_Ring zero copy as a part of its packet sniffing capability. When this application is running would it be possible to find out the amount of RX/TX traffic using ifconfig or is it correct to say that ifconfig does…
2 answers

How to decrypt TLS traffic with Wireshark using RSA asynchronous encryption?

I want to be able to capture and decrypt TLS traffic that one off my internal application (that I don't have access) makes to the internet. (For testing I am using Postman to create a request to a secure server.) What I did was to add an Nginx as a…
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Can GCP do port mirroring at the subnet level?

Can I define a custom network in Google Cloud Platform in such a way so that I can get the equivalent behavior of Port Mirroring in my VPC as one would configure on a hardware switch? The goal is to sniff all traffic in the VPC for the purpose of…
1 answer

Is it possible to sniff packets on KVM guest loopback interface from host?

I am trying to debug network communication which happens inside CentOS 7 KVM guest. This communication goes from localhost to localhost. I suppose, that all this traffic happens on local lo interface. Is there a recommended way how to sniff packets…
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