Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
1 answer

How to refresh open source software pkg manager on oldish OpenSolaris?

I'm being presented with an OpenSolaris vps, actually a Solaris Container, which is based on SXCE snv_121 and is active since mid 2007: the good old Sun days, IIRC even before the Indiana stuff! For various reasons the system itself can't be…
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1 answer

How to see which files contain in Fedora package installed?

How to see which files contain in Fedora package installed? For example, I have package tigervnc-server installed on Fedora release 15 (Lovelock) and want to see how it differs from distriburion of official TigerVNC site?
2 answers

getting error while installing subversion in ubuntu 9.04

sudo apt-get install subversion [sudo] password for hwsui: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation…
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How to update my grep utility on CentOS 5.6?

I'm using a CentOS 5.6 system. Since there is a bug in my version of grep. I want to upgrade to a new version. I tried to use yum to update(upgrade) it, but failed. [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat- redhat-lsb/ redhat-release …
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How to include a mysql script in an install script/package

I am trying to wrap up one of our projects in Ubuntu/CentOS packages. The project is a typical web framework which requires to deploy a tomcat war file, create some directories and run a mysql script that creates a new user + database with some…
Jeroen Ooms
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5 answers

Install several versions of the rpm packet

I need to use python2.5. But my system (FC11) have python 2.6 only. How can I install and use several versions of python with yum or rpm? Or maybe I need to compile python 2.6 from sources?
2 answers

How to get httrack to work with SSL on mac os x? ( not found)

I'm trying to use httrack website copier but the program is running and reporting "no-ssl" (ie: it does not have the capability to copy secure sites). From looking over this thread, it seems that the problem is either when I make & configure the…
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Can rpm upgrades and rpm erases be mixed in the same command (transaction)

I would like to upgrade package A and at the same time erase package B. There are dependencies between the packages so I would like to do both operations as one transaction. This can be done with 2 commands: rpm --erase packageB.rpm rpm -Uvh…
Ivan Novick
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3 answers

Why is Linux Package Management So Complicated?

On Windows, simple programs can often be installed by unzipping a zip file into an arbitrary directory. IMHO this is a great example of keeping things simple. For example, it allows installing simple programs without root access. Why are so few…
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4 answers

Linux server distro where default server packages customized the least?

I'm using Ubuntu server right now (for local development) and noticed that some Ubuntu packages like apache have their config files... um... scattered. While official Apache docs primarily refer to httpd.conf for everything, Ubuntu's Apache packages…
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1 answer

Reinstalling a package on Solaris 11

I installed gcc 4 on Solaris 11 using pkg-get gcc4g++ near the end of the installation process it showed a warning that some script didn't run succesfully (which I didn't write down unfortunately). Now some include files are missing (eg.…
Gene Vincent
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1 answer

CentOS 5.5 Package documentation

Usually when I install a common package like PostgreSQL or MySQL or Python etc using Yum it installs the files held within those packages into locations specific to CentOS itself. It may also install scripts specific to CentOS only. These paths may…
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1 answer

Is it possible reinstall packages in Ubuntu without an internet connection?

While experiencing some massive problems with MYSQL, I completely removed a package called rsyslog, and I can no longer get on the internet to use the package manager to correct my mistake. I also got rid of librdf0 as well (oops). I would like to…
1 answer

problem in installing dnsproxy on Lucid

I am trying to install dnsproxy on a Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server but this is failing. root@some:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled# aptitude install dnsproxy Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done…
2 answers

how to undo system user creation

to troubleshoot a Ubuntu package manager problem I have to do sudo deluser --system messagebus I want to know what is the command to undo the above before I try it.
Registered User
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