Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
2 answers

Outlook Autodiscover - authentication to IIS fails as domain is not contoso.local

I have set up Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2007 in a test lab. Everything works (with SSL, OOO, etc). But there is one niggle: During autodiscover from an external machine on the Internet, the end user inputs their name, email, and password twice,…
1 answer

Exchange 2010: Outlook clients refusing to update to new CAS server

I recently installed the CAS role on an internal mail server in an attempt to move CAS to that server instead of an outward facing web server (which also happens to be the DC). After installing CAS on the mail server, I removed CAS from the…
Matias Nino
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1 answer

Is it necessary to do the following when setting up new outlook profiles?

We have been advised to do the following whenever we re-setup a profile in Outlook for our users. However we believe in performing non-destructive troubleshooting where possible. Is there any reason to perform the following steps. Remove any old…
1 answer

Prevent Exchange Server from advertising itself on domain

I'm in the middle of setting up an Exchange 2010 Server. Currently, we use a SaaS provider for Exchange 2007 services. Some (but not all) of my users have been reporting that they are receiving Outlook/Exchange login prompts to login to the new…
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Outlook 2007 E-Mails come in blank or with <="" style=""> in the body, nothing else

Basically users who have just been upgraded to Outlook 2007, are not receiving SOME emails (from outside our domain, ie hotmail, yahoo). It seems that maybe these emails are HTML based, and not sent in plain text. These emails come in, along with…
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4 answers

"Mail Conflict Resolution"

I have several of these messages: 11:36:30 Mail Conflict Resolution 11:36:30 Subject: {SU:} 11:36:30 EntryID: {CB:70,…
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3 answers

Two Exchange 2010 servers in different locations - Outlook connection problems

I have two Exchange 2010 servers in two locations (and one Exchange 2007 at one of the places but this one is not really in use nor causing any problems) - one server per site (say site A and site B). Sites are on different network ranges and there…
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2 answers

Outlook 2010 PST Encryption Algoirthm

What algorithm does Outlook 2010 use for it it's pst encryption? I am hoping it is AES 128 or 256.... Cheers
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1 answer

Change Exchange 2010 Out of office to behave like Exchange 2003

We have 2 Exchange servers, one Exchange 2003 and one 2010. We are migrating from 2003 to 2010 and this has been largely painless, but we have a niggly problem I can't figure out and the documentation isn't the clearest thing in the world. When a…
Ben Pilbrow
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Outlook Anywhere and Authentication

Environment: Windows 2008R2 and 2003 DCs Exchange 2007 two servers, one client access/hub server, one mailbox server. Outlook Anywhere is configured. Windows Vista, Windows 7 Clients, Mix of Outlook 2007/2010. Here's what's happening: On the LAN:…
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4 answers

Why can't some users see new items in Global Address List while others can?

This is my issue: We are using Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2007. Last week we added a new conference room in Exchange. When I look up the conference room in the Global Address List, it doesn't show up. However, if I delete my .oab files (Offline…
Alex Zapata
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2 answers

Hosted Exchange keeps "resolving" the CAS server FQDN when setting up Outlook...NOT GOOD

In our exchange 2010 environment when setting up Outlook with one of the mailbox accounts, check name resolves the FQDN of our Client Access Server. We do not want employees/customers to see this information. I have a subdomain whos name record is…
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1 answer

Share Exchange/Outlook calendars between two different domains

Can this be done? Two organisations, complete separate domains and exchange servers. Do I need a AD trust? Can data be shared over HTTP or does it require a VPN connection? One Org will have an Exchange 2010 server, the other 2007.
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3 answers

What are possible reasons why a calendar entry in OWA is at a different time than in Outlook?

We have two Exchange 2003 servers, our primary server and a front-end server that hosts Outlook Web Access (OWA). When I open my boss' calendar via Outlook 2007 (from my Outlook client as well as hers) I see the event scheduled for 10:30 am. When…
Ken Pespisa
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6 answers

Determine who is opening a .PST file from a network drive on the local network?

Our system admin has been struggling with the issue of our network getting completely locked up when users open PST files from network drives. Apparently Microsoft is aware of this problem but there is no fix for it. The entire local network is…
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