Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
1 answer

How can you enable forms scripting for outlook 2010 on Citrix servers?

I'd like to deploy Office 2010 on Citrix servers, but i can't enable form scripting support. With outlook 2007, it was solved by adding Outlvbs.dll in the office directory, and running msiexec /i {} ADDLOCAL=OutlookVBScript /qb But…
Florent Courtay
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2 answers

how can I set up server side filters/rules for a shared mailbox on an Outlook server?

I need to create filters for a shared mailbox on an Outlook server this needs to be done on the server rather than on each client as there are a lot of users. Is this possible? any pointers would be very apreciated Thanks Dan
2 answers

Trust e-mail from our domain(s)

We have several notification e-mails that get generated by various systems for our users. I've been asked to make sure all e-mail to [anything] doesn't wind up in our users' junk folders. What is the best and easiest way(s) to do…
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2 answers

User with Outlook receiving emails every hour regarding Microsoft Exchange offline address book 0X8004010F

About 6 months ago we upgraded our Exchange server from 2003 to 2010. I have read 0x8004010F when downloading Exchange offline address book and found that this issue is the same as what I am having. I have also read the blog post mentioned the above…
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3 answers

Client-side Mail Archiving

We have a client (C) who was recently required by the parent company to move their e-mail to the parent company (P) Exchange system. Users of C generally have large mailboxes and previously made use of a server-side mail archiving system complete…
George Hewitt
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1 answer

Set Outlook stationery via Powershell

I want to set Outlook stationery to a particular template on all the machines on my network using Powershell (through a login script). Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Ben
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2 answers

Outlook Calendar Attachments to have limited access to just Required attendees

The management team at my company often attaches documents (Word, Excel, PDFs) to their Outlook Calendar meeting requests. The meeting requests are sent to the managers, but also to their assistants. The desire is to have everyone be able to view…
Jason Pearce
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2 answers

how to trace an outlook mail not arriving to its destination when is sent to another domain?

I have an domain account configured with If I use an email client such as Evolution, the mails arrive as expected. However if I use Outlook 2007 (as everybody in this company) the mails only arrive if the destination belongs to the same…
Alex. S.
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2 answers

Preventing Outlook from hiding/deleting my appointment e-mails?

When I receive an appointment or meeting invitation in Outlook I am given the option to accept or decline it. If I accept the appointment the event is added to my calendar and the e-mail disappears from my inbox. Is it possible to prevent the e-mail…
Anders Sandvig
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5 answers

Outlook refuses to connect to Exchange

Outlook 2007 under Windows XP connecting to Exchange 2003 SP2: when started, it flips back and forth between "Connecting to Exchange Server" and "Disconnected" three or four times, then gives up and stays disconnected. I tried deleting the ost file…
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2 answers

How do I get my server to recognise a change in users?

I'm new in post running a small charity. As a result I've inherited a system from the previous manager that was poorly run. In my enthusiasm to change login details etc. I appear to have killed my microsoft outlook account. When trying to access…
1 answer

Outlook receives winmail.txt attachment instead of Excel, PowerPoint or Word attachments from Lotus notes senders

Ok so the title pretty much says it all. We are offering a Hosted Exchange solution for our customer. Everything is working fine except for one customer complaining that he is receiving winmail.dat or winmail.txt attachments instead of the actual…
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1 answer

Is there any way to send Outlook meeting requests from a non-default calendar?

We have a user with two Outlook accounts. is of type Exchange; is of type IMAP/SMTP. Both are actually on our Exchange server; but since an Outlook profile can only have one Exchange account, the second one is set up as…
Richard Beier
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2 answers

Outlook unable to print email

I have an installation of Outlook 2003 that won't print emails as of this morning. It can print calendars, and every other program can print fine. Outlook won't print the emails to any printer, not even a PDF creator. As soon as you hit "Print"…
Jason Taylor
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1 answer

Secretary cannot add appointments to boss's calendar after exchange restore from backup

The calendar is the Boss's calendar on Exchange. I have set permissions for it through his Outlook to give the secretary and a few other people "Editor" access to his calendar. All the editors can view the calendar, but only he can add new…
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