Questions tagged [outlook-2010]

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Version 14.0.x)

One of a suite of applications in "Microsoft Office" products. Outlook 2010 is marketed as a "personal information management application" that can email, schedule events, manage contacts, etc.

268 questions
1 answer

Set-DistributionGroup -GrantSendOnBehalfTo does not seem to be working

The setup is simple: Exchange 2010 with Outlook 2010 clients. I've setup a distribution group to include the CEO's secretaries and have used Set-DistributionGroup -Identity -GrantSendOnBehalfTo…
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Can't login with // Outlook 2010 and RPC/HTTP to Exchange 2003

I have a customer who is using Outlook 2010/Windows 7 against an Exchange 2003 server. The application is a on a laptop, remains out of the office and Outlook is configured to use RPC/HTTP. I'm finding an oddity regarding authentication to the…
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Exchange 2010: Job titles making it out of organization?

I was asked a question from one of my co-workers that I was pretty sure about, but not 100% on. Google didn't appear to help me out either, so here I am. Do things like job titles and other such information make it out of Exchange 2010 when it's…
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"Share Calendar" button greyed out in Outlook 2010

I´m trying to share a calendar using Outlook 2010 but the button is greyed out. I can share it without problems if I use Outlook 2007 I´m running Outlook 2010 against a 2003 Exchange server. How can I share it using 2010 version
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Exchange 2010 Online Archive Not Showing Up in Outlook 2010

I currently activated the Online Archive feature for Exchange 2010 but for some reason it won't show up for Exchange users using Outlook 2010 client. If I log into OWA, it will appear there but not in Outlook 2010 client. How exactly do you…
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Outlook Anywhere using the wrong URL

We've configured Outlook 2010 to use Outlook Anywhere and it works fine against SBS 2011 Std. However, on start-up, it complains about a mismatched certificate. After a bit of sniffing with Fiddler2, we've learned that, in spite of being given a URL…
3 answers

Outlook 2010 and error 0x80060040

I have a user who's using Outlook 2010 (Greek) to read his email from a POP3 (perdition in front of an ipop3d / UW-IMAP server). A few days now we're observing the following behavior: Outlook when started tries to download new email. It (very…
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Exchange 2010 and Office 2010 for PC and Mac OSX

We are looking for a way for a group of people to have access to a Mailbox (easy part, open shared mailbox in outlook for PC and for Mac - Add additional account on Mobile Phones etc). We want the users to send on behalf of this Mailbox (again…
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Excel Macro : Run-time error '1004' General Mail Failure

We are planning to upgrade all our users to Outlook 2010 and Exchange 2010 soon but have run into a few headaches with the Outlook migration. We have an Excel spreadsheet that is basically an expense report that automatically gets emailed to the…
1 answer

postfix smtp_get: EOF

I'm using postfix (incomming port 25) + SpamPD ( relayhost: for filtering incoming email, which are coming from internet for my remote MTA. MTA which holds virtual domains is running on a seperate machine. So for users…
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5 answers

Exporting an exchange public folder contact list to Excel/Access

How can I export an Exchange 2007 public folder (IPM.Contact) as an Excel or Access file? We use Outlook 2010 on the client side.
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Outlook 2010 with Exchange 2003 account freezes with event ID 515 in security event log

My Outlook 2010 freezes a couple of times per day. I am connected to a Exchange 2003 server. Sometimes, when I try to send an email or open an appointment, the interface completely freezes. After a few seconds a balloon pops up saying:Outlook is…
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Microsoft Outlook 'Calendar Sharing Service` benefits, drawbacks and alternatives?

I have users who want to share their calendar with external users. What is the best way to approach this? Outlook2003 has the Calendar Sharing Service, but I don't know if it's updated or replaced by something better in Exchange 2010 / Outlook 2010…
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Windows 7 x64 not returning search results from Outlook 2010 x86

We're working on upgrading our office PCs to Windows 7 and Office 2010. At this time, I'm planning on deploying 64-bit Windows where possible to take advantage of the 4GB of RAM several PCs have. Office 2010 deployment is 32-bit at Microsoft's…
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2 answers

Domain joining debate for Outlook 2010 with Exchange 2007 on windows SBS 2008 for a user on a laptop that will travel a fair amount of the time

I'm basically debating on whether or not to join the Domain on a Laptop, and was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. If the computer were staying in the office, its a no brainer. Join the domain. In this case I have a user who will…