Questions tagged [opscenter]

DataStax OpsCenter makes it possible to manage Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise clusters from a centralized web-based dashboard.

DataStax OpsCenter makes it easy to manage Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise clusters by giving administrators, architects and developers an at-a-glance view of the system from a centralized dashboard.

OpsCenter installs seamlessly and gives system operators the flexibility to monitor and manage even the most complex workloads with ease from any web browser.

60 questions
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How to copy perf graphs from one user to another in datastax OpsCenter?

I have lots of perf graphs in datastax OpsCenter under my "admin" user. I've created a new read-only user that i can let anyone in the company use, but how do i copy all the already configured perf graphs from the existing user into the new? Is…
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Why do I see 3 node rings in the DSE OpsCenter

Simple Newby question. I've booted 3 instances up in EC2, a cassandra, solr and spark node. I thought they would appear as a single clustered ring in the OpsCenter, but they actually appear as 3 separate rings with a single node in each. Is this the…
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OpsCenter 5.0: No Data on Dashboard Graphs

I have an OpsCenter 5.0 instance running and 10 agents connected. The agents are in 2 regions in AWS, so everything is using external addresses to communication. All the necessary ports are open, and in fact, the OpsCenter dashboard says "All…
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Opscenter 4.1.4: Authentication failing

I'm getting authentication errors when starting the opscenter agents on each of my cassandra (v1.2.5) nodes: INFO [main] 2014-07-23 12:18:03,880 Starting Stomp INFO [main] 2014-07-23 12:18:03,881 SSL communication is disabled INFO [main] 2014-07-23…
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opscenter build cluster failing on EC2

I'm trying to build a new Cassandra cluster on Amazon EC2 using Opscenter for development use. I have installed Opscenter (v4.1.3) on an EC2 instance using the instructions on…
2 answers

CentOS: OpsCenter does not see other node's agent

I'm new with Apache Cassandra. I am trying to install a little sample cluster using two CentOS server. I followed the documentation (Tarball installation) and the nodes are up. However, when I go to OpsCenter, the nodes cannot see each other's agent…
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Cassandra Opscenter historical view

I recently upgraded the underlying machines of my Cassandra cluster (In AWS, from "old" to "current" generation hardware). I thought I'd be able to see if this had a performance impact in Opscenter. What I didn't consider is that as I…
0 answers

OpsCenter API return all null values for os-cpu-* metrics

Invoking the metrics API (e.g., /cluster/metrics/node/os-cpu-idle?start=1397746020&function=average), I get all null values: { "": { "AVERAGE": [ [ 1397746020, null ], [ 1397746080, …
0 answers

NullPointerException during datastax agent startup

I installed DSE 4.0 and started the datastax agent and set up a 12-node cluster. When I look in the opscenter console I see 0 nodes connected. I see this exception in the agent log: INFO [StompConnection receiver] 2014-04-09 06:23:12,187 Starting…
Oded Peer
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0 answers

OpsCenter doesn't display disk space

I've looked through multiple forum posts, I've turned on debug et al, and I still cannot for the life of me figure out why the disk space isn't working. ALL other information is filled--except for the disk space. On the Agent logs, I see requests…
Andrew M.
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aws cluster overprovisioning detection framework/tools

Our team is managing many cassandra clusters on aws, one of our problems is when a user ask us to spawn a new cluster, they can't predict how many nodes they need because of lack of production traffic. Most of time it ends up overprovisioned. Since…
del bao
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Cassandra versions supported in OpsCenter 5.1.0

We are planning to use Cassandra 2.0.11 but the latest OpsCenter 5.1.0 doesn't support creating a new cluster with Cassandra 2.0.11 package. It shows only 2.0.9. How do we proceed?
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Opscenter repair service times out. ERROR: Requested range intersects a local range [...]

My production cluster had the repair service enabled since april 16th with the default 9 days time to completion and repairs would complete properly. However, since may 22nd, it is being disabled automatically by Opscenter: From…
1 answer

OpsCenter on AWS: No permission to create /mnt/cassandra/data directory

Followed the instructions here: Installed OpsCenter on m3.large. When launching an instance, I get this error: Error: Start stage failed: Failed to start…
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DataStax OpsCenter - can't connect with agents

I've installed DataStax OpsCenter (Apache Cassandra) and in OpsCenter, there is an error: "0 of 1 agents connected". When I click "fix", enter credentials and try to install nodes, i get error: Unable to SSH to some of the hosts Unable to SSH to…
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