Questions tagged [openvswitch]

90 questions
1 answer

Proxmox with an Openvswitch bridge

All, I'm trying create a way for me to be able to use the local network within my Proxmox infrastructure. Currently, everything is running off of NAT from wlan0 and all internal machines have the same local IP address -- which is not very useful…
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How Open-VSwitch bridge assigns IP addresses to guest when used on KVM hypervisor?

I have setup ovs switch on ubuntu and configured network xml and guest VM xml files respectively(Set-up for KVM hypervisor). Created new network for openVswitch by creating and defining new vlans.xml vlans
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How do I block all access to machine except port 3389 using Open vSwitch

I can allow access to the machine and block everything else using: ovs-ofctl add-flow xenbr0 "dl_src={mac-address} priority=39000 dl_type=0x0800 nw_dst={ip-address} idle_timeout=65000 action=normal" ovs-ofctl add-flow xenbr0 "dl_src={mac-address}…
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openvswitch with multiple vlans

I'm having an issue wrapping my head around a setup. We currently use vmware+vsphere and switching to kvm. So we want the similar type setup using openvswitch. So our setup will be like kvm host ip: Then we have vlans like lb:…
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Persistent Network Configuration using KVM and libvirt

Our environment will have a KVM host setup dynamically using kickstart (easy enough). The hard part is dealing with network configuration and keeping VLAN configuration (and possibly bridge/host config) persistent across reboot. We have a dynamic…
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access tap interface in network namespace across machines

I want to be able to access services running on a TAP interface within a namespace from outside the machine where it is running. I have setup that looks like this - VM1/Machine1 +eth0 : Public Network +eth1 : Private Network (IP:…
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OpenVSwitch between namespaces

I'm trying to configure a bridge between two TAP interfaces each created inside their own network namespace, on Linux. I'm using OpenVSwitch as software bridge. These are the steps that I believe should work: ip netns add test_ns1 ip netns exec…
Daniele Venzano
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GRE Mesh to GRE Star in open virtual switch

i have 3 kvm hosts running open vswitch with many virtual machines. These vms are on two separate tenants and GRE tunnel carries private traffic between these 3 hosts. But is there a better way to do GRE tunneling,because currently these GRE tunnels…
Kevin Parker
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libvirt & openvswitch VLAN tagging on the fly

I'm working on a project using libvirt with qemu and openvswitch on Debian 10. I would like to be able to modify the configuration of a network card of a domain in bash with the update-device command of virsh. For that I took an example from this…
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oVirt - Running VMs into a Subnet

I am trying to run VMs (and Pools) into a NAT. To reach this target I have: created a new Network in the Cluster; checked "Create on external provider" check box; selected ovirt-provider-ovn; entered (in the "Subnet" tab) Name, CIDR, gateway and…
0 answers

How to isolate traffic between VMs within openvswitch?

I've trying to achieve traffic isolation between VMs inside openvswitch with using VLANs. But I've faced with issue that when I've set VLAN tag on VM's port VM can't access external physical network. I think it's happens because my external…
Oleg Neumyvakin
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Overlay Network on Windows Server 2016 for WSFC + SQL Server HA

I'm trying to create an Overlay Network on Windows Server 2016 to create a separate address space for Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC). This cluster will eventually be used to host a SQL Server HA Cluster. Reason for doing this: The 2…
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Using openvswitch with mpls and tcp

I'm doing R&D in SDN. In this case scenario, we use MPLS labeling, and Open vSwitch as software-switches. We are using 2 server nodes with ovs 2.6.0, with kernel modules loaded, and 2 hosts. They are directly connected through 1 Gigabit Ethernet…
1 answer

Direct Veth Pair vs Linux Bridge

I'm trying different network configurations between LXC containers to learn something and have fun. I've just found out that two containers can communicate with just a veth pair, so I'd like to know from experts why all the tutorials show procedures…
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Running dnsmasq in docker container on Debian - check_dhcp ignores dnsmasq

I'm testing configuration for my dnsmasq DHCP on my Virtualbox Debian machine. On production I want dnsmasq to provide static IP addresses to guest systems running via qemu + libvirt + openvswitch ( that one I got covered, they are running via…
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