Questions tagged [nsd]

NSD is an authoritative only, high performance, simple and open source name server.

NSD (for "name server daemon") is an open-source server program for the Domain Name System. It was developed by NLnet Labs of Amsterdam in cooperation with the RIPE NCC, from scratch as an authoritative name server (i.e., not implementing the recursive caching function by design). The intention of this development is to add variance to the "gene pool" of DNS implementations used by higher level name servers and thus increase the resilience of DNS against software flaws or exploits.

NSD uses BIND-style zone-files (zone-files used under BIND can usually be used unmodified in NSD, once entered into the NSD configuration).

NSD uses zone information compiled via 'zonec' into a binary database file (nsd.db) which allows fast startup of the NSD name-service daemon, and allows syntax-structural errors in Zone-Files to be flagged at compile-time (before being made available to NSD service itself).

The collection of programs/processes that make-up NSD are designed so that the NSD daemon itself runs as a non-privileged user and can be easily configured to run in a Chroot jail, such that security flaws in the NSD daemon are not so likely to result in system-wide compromise as without such measures.

As of March, 2008, three of the Internet root nameservers are using NSD:

  • was switched to NSD on February 19, 2003.[2]
  • One of the 2 load-balanced servers for (called "H1", "H2") was switched to NSD, and now there are 3 servers all running NSD (called "H1", "H2", "H3").[3]
  • switched to NSD on February 6, 2007. Several other TLDs use NSD for part of their servers.
26 questions
2 answers

zone transfer between NSD machines without adding zone name to slave machine

I have added my '' to master nsd machine with records within the zone file. Now i want to setup a slave nsd machine, is it possible to transfer the zone records without adding the zone name to 'nsd.conf' in slave machine? I mean if I add…
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1 answer

Failover at the DNS Level (2 LB and 2 Static IP)

I'm building 2 boxes, each will be Static Content Server (NginX) + Load-Balancer (HAproxy) + DNS Server (NSD). The TTL on each DNS server for (A) records will be something like 30-60 seconds. Resolving will be like this: LB1 (NS1) ==resolves==>…
1 answer

Auto-updating DNS Records Between NSD Servers

Let's say I have a couple of separate Linux NSD servers. How can I make the master server share changes with the slave servers? NSD appears to have this functionality. It can declare zones as master or slave. I'm pretty sure I understand how to set…
Sei Satzparad
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1 answer

How to set up a subdomain in nsd3

nsd3 is very little-known but super-lightweight and stable DNS server which makes it a great alternative to bind9 be used on low-end boxes. There is a very good tutorial here that describe how to set it up. My problem is that I need to set up a…
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0 answers

how consul behind nsd

How tel nsd to use .consule as another service level for checking records. Here the stub-zone for unbound but how to tell nsd use consul? Unbound config stub-zone: name: "consul" stub-addr: NSD will be thorw an…
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1 answer

How to include a file in a zone file (using $INCLUDE directive) in nsd name server

I want to include a file in the zone file in a nsd name server implementation, using the $INCLUDE directive. When I reload the zone with the nsd-control reload command, in the log file I notice an error about not finding the include…
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1 answer

Fun this TTLs and many records in PDNS

I got very strange issue for me. I have powerdns server with potentially thousands of cname records. This records inserted to my DNS via mysql queries from network http service. This is a way how I give free jhon_doe.MYHOST.COM domains for my…
2 answers

IPsec tunnel keep crashing

I have 2 locations. On each location is installed VPN device Cisco RV042. Link between location is optical fiber. ISP is the same. Link speed on location A is symetric 3/3 Mbps, and there is static address. Link speed on the location B is 10/10 Mbps…
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2 answers

How to have a CNAME record and TXT record for the same domain?

When configuring a Google Site on a custom domain, the instructions provided by Google specify to create two records for the domain - a TXT and CNAME record. The TXT record contains a code that Google users to verify domain ownership before allowing…
Zach Smith
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1 answer

how to use terraform with nsd?

is it possible to manage nsd dns with terraform? i keep getting a NOTINT error but per man page there is an option to accept UPDATE opcodes. when i set drop-updates: no nsd starts fine but i get the same error. given option is in the man page it…
1 answer

nameserver is not resolving - hetzner root server

I bought new root server on hetzner with 2 additional IPs. CentOs 6.4 minimal version is installed. Based on this tutorial i assigned 2 additional IPs. ie, duplicated ifcfg-eth0 file to ifcfg-eth0:1 and ifcfg-eth0:2, then changed IP. It works. These…
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