Questions tagged [netlogon]

A standard share for Domain-based logins for Windows-based PCs

44 questions
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How can I re-authenticate a Server when a NETLOGON (5719) error occured, when the machine lost connection to the DC and the connection returned?

Greetings Superior minds. I hope you can spare some valuebale time to assist me with this problem for I have limmited knowledge on Servers and Domain Controllers. Background: I have SCADA software that runs on a couple of servers and then client…
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Laptop Built-in Fingerprint Logon to Domain Joined Computer

Is this possible: I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 running Active Directory. I have installed Windows Biometric Framework and made the changes in Group Policy to allow Fingerprint Signon The Laptop is domain-joined with a built-in fingerprint scanner…
1 answer

NETLOGON EventID 5723 for Managed Service Account

I'm receiving NETLOGON errors EventID 5723 which states: "The session setup from computer [AccountName] failed because the security database does not contain a trust account [AccountName] referenced by the specified computer." The only problem is…
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Samba 4x netlogon scripts not executing on Windows 7

I am in the process of migrating a domain configuration to another server, I am able to connect to the domain, and log in, plus get my X: drive, which is just the users home drive. The previous machine was set up by someone else, but I have found…
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NetLogon and RPC Errors

Situation: Co-located DCs connected by T1 to client working location. The T1 is averaging at about 2/3 usage. All 1 Active Directory. I am trying to deploy a start-up script to clients at the working location though GPO. It seems to work on some…
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Force replication of Netlogon

I have added a batchfile to the the NETLOGON directory for some start-up scripts. The script is tiny in size. I have waited hours for the files to be replicated to the other Domain Controllers but the files have yet to be replicated. I have also…
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NETLOGON Warning Event ID 5781

I have Server 2003 SP2 Standard Edition. This past week it has been logging an event called NETLOGON Warning 5781 at various times of the day. When this happens client computers lose access to the AD as their network folders disappear. It mentions…
3 answers

Troubleshooting (or tracing) Windows network logon problems

I've got a situation where a client computer (Windows Vista) doesn't seem to be sending the right password to a server (Windows Server 2003). The event log records the logon failure, but as far as I can tell the client has the right password - so…
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Where are the netlogon files physically stored?

I have umpteen backups trying to restore my scripts I had in the netlogon share but when I go to them the folder is empty. Does backup not back those scripts in netlogon up? Is there somewhere I should expect to see the files at besides…
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4 answers

Vista / Windows Server 2003 Mapped Drive Logon Failure

I have a Windows Vista (Ultimate) machine which connects to a Windows Server 2003 machine for just one thing: a mapped network drive. There is a user account on the Server machine which exactly matches the user name & password on the Vista machine.…
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NETLOGON trying to register with incorrect DNS server?

So, I have a Domain Controller DOMAINSERVER, and a second domain controller DS1. They are part of the domain, and all was well in the world; DNS server was working great, Clients could talk to the domain, sunshine and daisies…
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Group Policy Error/DC Issues

We've got an issue in our domain environment with 2 of our On-Prem DCs (including primary DC) missing content in the SYSVOL folder. Current Setup with missing folders Correct Domain Folder Content Our environment currently has 4 DCs, 3 On-Prem…
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Samba Domain Unavailable

I have an Ubuntu machine that acts as an NT4 style PDC with samba 4.3. Clients are all windows pro (7 an 10) machines and till now we haven't any problem in joining clients and log in domain users on our clients. Now we bought a couple of new PCs …
Marco Lova
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FSMO errors on new Domain controllers

I have a current DC that is on server 2012. I recently added 2 more dcs that are running server 2016. We are having issues with the netlogon share replicating across to the new dcs. When I look at the roles im getting some different results. netdom…
1 answer

Windows SBS 08 domain controller is missing \\Localhost\NETLOGON share

One and only working logon server in the domain. When I run DCDIAG, it returns: Starting test: NetLogons * Network Logons Privileges Check Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share! (\SBS08-DC\netlogon) [SBS08-DC]…
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