Questions tagged [mysql8]

45 questions
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Can log any user to mysql database

I have mysql database 'politechnika_new' and user 'politechnika' with all privilages for this daabase, and host set as %, but I can't login to this database with this user. How Can i fix it? root@ubuntu:/var/www/html/politechnika# mysql…
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Mysqld: status_output has automatically turned itself on, spams gigabytes into error_log files

Mysql 8.0.21-12 on linux Those two flags have automatically turned on with my database server. innodb_status_output innodb_status_output_locks That caused gigabytes of logfiles, I thought the server is having issues so I restarted it. It started…
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MySQL 8 - connecting to server with different port

I have MySQL 8 on Debian 9 vps, and my problem that I can connect to server from php Adminer (web) with any port I've chosen: localhost:3307, 33650, any port. And php Adminer showing - MySQL » localhost:33899. And I can manage databases, but this…
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Optimizing the configuration with MySQL 8 / InnoDB on a high-end server

I am new to InnoDB and database performance/tweaking. I am running five websites and estimate about 5k to 10k concurrent users (within a 3 min timeframe). Hardware of my new server: 32 CPUs AMD 128 GB DDR4 ECC 480 GB NVMe SSD With MySQL 8 and…
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Mysql keyring_file not loading

I am trying to encrypt some tables in a mysql database. I found a way in Mysql documentation ( I have added the following lines under [mysqld] in my.cnf…
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How To Get Remote MySql Access On AWS Ec2

I have a setup in ec2 where i have 2 servers, one just hosts mysql while the other houses the software. I need the software server to have remote mysql access to the mysql server, ideally wanting it on the private ip so it's only accessible from…
Glen Elkins
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0 answers

MySQL Ubuntu doesn't start anymore after disk storage was full

MySQL Version: Ver 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)) Today I encountered that my MySQL stopped running, all my websites are offline. When I try to run manually I get the following by systemctl start mysql.service: Job for…
4 answers

Is there any major performance issue if you switch default-storage-engine setting from InnoDB to MyISAM?

Recently we upgraded version of MySQL on the database server, Almost all of our tables are in MyISAM but in my.ini we have set --default-storage-engine=InnoDB But now we want to change this setting to MyISAM because previously we were using MyISAM…
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1 answer

Get rid of debian-sys-maint instead of root in MySQL 8

We've recently upgraded from MySQL Percona 5.7 to 8 and we're in the phase of transitioning from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password. As far as I understand, the only way to upgrade the Plugin is with the below query, and if no password…
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MySQL 8.0.20 via SSH

DBeaver 7.1.0 on Windows 10 trying to connect to MySQL 8.0.20 on Ubuntu 20.04 using SSH. I also tried other Windows MySQL GUI clients, with the identical results, which leads me to believe the problem is with MySQL configuration (or maybe with my…
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MySQL 8.0 replica going out of sync with error on executing statements

I have this configuration: Master running MySQL 5.5 with log file format: STATEMENT Slave running MySQL 8.0 - connected to (1) master. Log file format: ROW Another Slave running MySQL 8.0 - connected to (2) the first slave. Log format: ROW Main…
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MySQL crashes after upgrade to mysql 8

After we upgraded our database to MySQL 8, one query stopped working and is causing the database to crash. MySQL version 8.0.19, before: 5.7 Error.log output: Trying to get some variables. Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to…
Luke Hol
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Is it possible to interchange Azure Database for MySQL between general-purpose and memory-optimised?

I have one instance of Azure Database for MySQL. The current configuration of the instance is "Gen5 - General Purpose - 2 vCore - 10GBMem". I would like to scale it to "Gen5 - Memory Optimised - 2 vCore - 20GBMem". Since I am going to do this on a…
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How do I grant or alter an existing user to allow remote authentication in MySQL 8?

The ultimate goal is to have the latest Zabbix release running in container, monitoring a bunch of switches. Zabbix wants some flavor of MySQL (or postgres) so I figured I would set use the official (Oracle) MySQL 8.0.19 MySQL FOSS image. I have a…
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MySQL 8 unusual behavior

The project that I'm working on using database frequently and does heavy procedures. I'm always monitoring the system. with 16GB of RAM and 8 CPU's system usually works fine and not reaching it's limits but MySQL goes away very frequently with…
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