Questions tagged [msi]

MSI is a Windows Installer package. It contains all of the components necessary to install a particular software package along with a machine-readable description of how the package should be installed.

MSI is a Windows Installer package. It contains all of the components necessary to install a particular software package along with a machine-readable description of how the package should be installed.

Questions regarding MSI desktop motherboards usually fit better on Super User rather than Server Fault.

164 questions
4 answers

Is it possible to disable msiexec help GUI?

I'm automating unattended retrieval & installation of specified .msi packages with a powershell script but if the command is invoked with syntax errors the msiexec will wait indefinitely for an OK click on its help display despite the presence of…
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Re/Installing an MSI, getting 'not a valid short file name' error

We are running windows 2008. We have a windows service called ImportService, that is installed via an MSI package. A previous version was installed about 3 months ago without problems. When have now unistalled the previous version. When we try to…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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1 answer

What happens when you uninstall a per-user installation?

What happens if an MSI installation is set to install as per-user, and 3 different users log on and each install the app? Will Windows Installer recognise that the same MSI has already been installed into Program Files and therefore it doesn't need…
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Deploying .msi application through GPO doesn't work

I've been trying to deploy the forticlient SSL VPN application (.msi format) into my domain machines, using a GPO. Even though I made a silent previous installation by issuing the command: msiexec /qb /i installer.msi and it worked, which is…
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AD: Roll out an MSI application at midnight

Using Windows Server's Active Directory and Group Policy, is there a way to roll out an MSI file at a scheduled time, like midnight?
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Is it possible to re-cab an Administrative Install Point?

We have Acrobat 8 Pro at work, and our media was painfully out of date. Rather than install all of the machines at 8.0.0 and then do the 6 or 7 consecutive reboots adobe expects you to be ok with I decided I'd integrate the .msp files into the…
2 answers

When running silent uninstalls of MSIs, how do you know when it is done?

If you have a msi you want to uninstall from the command line, doing MsiExec.exe /qn /X{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217045F0} /norestart for instance, returns immediately. But msiexec.exe is running for some amount of time, maybe for minutes. So if…
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0 answers

Windows Installer folders registry key value 1

I'm looking for information about the reg folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders" I couldn't find any information on MSDN or other sites. I see that the key…
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Puppet upgrade msi on windows

I'm running puppet on windows and I want to upgrade a package (java) I installed using an msi. I installed the package using package { 'java': ensure => installed, provider => 'msi', source => 'S:\jdk1.6.0_30.msi', install_options => {…
Jeff Storey
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3 answers

Multiple installers attached to a single GPO?

Can more than one installer (msi, mst) be linked to a GPO to deploy multiple packages at once?
Citizen Chin
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2 answers

Does Group Policy detect installed version before downloading an MSI from network

I used group policy to deploy an Adobe Reader X .msi file, which successfully updated the machines it was targeted to. The computer group those machines belong to still has a link to the GPO which deployed the .msi. Is it the .msi file which checks…
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3 answers

MSI package for reg deployment

What is the best way to create MSI package to deploy a registry key over a network, rather than using GPO.
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How do I package this vbscript as a msi for Group Policy

I had a developer that is no longer with us create an msi to do this for me, but the package is outdated now and we need to deploy new files. Basically I need to do the following: Take the code at the bottom of this question and deploy it to all…
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3 answers

How to install an MSI package from a command prompt

We have several web sites that we deploy using an MSI package. One package per website. This works fine manually: we go into the control panel uninstall the old version then run the MSI, filling out some values, to install the new version We…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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1 answer

Silently install MSI without disabling UAC

I have an MSI file which I produce that I need to install on a number of Windows 2008 machines as part of automated deployment process in a test environment. When I install the MSI by hand I get a UAC prompt which means that when I try to install…
Mike Minutillo
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