I had a developer that is no longer with us create an msi to do this for me, but the package is outdated now and we need to deploy new files.
Basically I need to do the following:
- Take the code at the bottom of this question and deploy it to all users as a software install package in Group Policy. I don't want to use a computer startup script because I don't want this to run at every login...just once to install and be done.
How can I take the below and turn it into an msi for deployment through GPO?
@echo off
copy "\\tuldc01\EOneActiveXapplets\ActiveX898\jdeexpimpU\jdeexpimp.inf" "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" /Y
copy "\\tuldc01\EOneActiveXapplets\ActiveX898\jdeexpimpU\jdeexpimpU.ocx" "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" /Y
copy "\\tuldc01\EOneActiveXapplets\ActiveX898\jdewebctlsU\jdewebctls.inf" "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" /Y
copy "\\tuldc01\EOneActiveXapplets\ActiveX898\jdewebctlsU\jdewebctlsU.ocx" "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" /Y
regsvr32 "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\jdeexpimpU.ocx" /s
regsvr32 "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\jdewebctlsU.ocx" /s