Questions tagged [mrtg]

MRTG is open-source systems monitoring software.

MRTG is an open-source systems monitoring software solution. Normally used in conjunction with the RRDTool database backend, it is commonly used to monitor network traffic but may also be used to monitor anything else for which statistics may be obtained on a regular basis.

The website is

39 questions
1 answer

Moving MRTG Installation

We have an MRTG installation that has been working for the last 3 years, I noticed that after 18 or so months the data would start recording a fresh. Now I wanted to transfer the installation and all the graph data, is it possible to transfer this…
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Disk queue lenght from SNMP on windows server 2012 (MRTG)

On windows server 2003 reading disk queue length from SNMP with MRTG was easy: snmpwalk -v1 -cpublic iso. = Gauge32: 26 iso. = Gauge32:…
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MRTG -- Setting Date for Old Data

I have installed MRTG on ubuntu server to monitor network infra. In that I am only getting present day data. I want to know old data also, how can I get the old data. Please help me
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Network devices bandwidth monitoring and graphing with open source components?

We can use ganglia to monitor metrics on servers, but it does not seem to be an option for network gear monitoring. To monitor bandwidth of a switch, we need to either poll the port through SNMP protocol or somehow talk to sFlow/netflow agent…
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mrtg straight graphing

How to correct this type of straight graph..., When my devices once reboot i begin to get the attached type of straight graphs.. Kindly help. mrtg create this type of straight graph when device reboots.. and when device reboots snmp starts…
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MRTG - Dell Power Connect Switch - updating graphs after adding machines to switch

I have some power connect switches and I use MRTG to monitor them, though I noticed that if I plug a new server into one of the switches MRTG does not update to display this. for example I just plugged a server into port 21 and my graphs still don't…
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MRTG shows non-zero values when my server is switched off

I graph my server's RAM, CPU & bandwidth usage using MRTG. However, when I switch my server off, the RAM & CPU graphs do not display zero values. Instead, at the moment (see picture below) the CPU usage shows 1.1% and the RAM usage shows 67Mb. I…
1 answer

Plotting four values in single MRTG/RRD Graph

I have some basic level of mrtg / rrdtool knowledge & currently using mrtg-rrd.cgi/rrdtool to graph various values. I have a temperature script that output four different room temperatures 20 23 25 30 I want to plot them in single graph. Can some1…
Syed Jahanzaib
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MRTG / SWITCH resolving switch mac address to IP

I am using MRTG to log the traffic. Recently, I saw something not very kosher from our file server which sends data out for 16 hours. File Server Traffic Switch Traffic Our File Server is in the cloud. It has a 25mbps to 50mbps connection to the…
0 answers

debian snmp server temp?

I'm trying to query remote Debian Jessie hosts' cpu temp using the output of lm-sensors on remote host (which works) to generate an snmpd query to eventually graph with mrtg. Is there a better way to do this using snmp MIBS that already do this for…
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Populate MRTG log file from old raw data

I'm going to add new target to my MRTG setup. And I already have raw data with measurements for past year. Is it possible to insert this data into my log file backdated? I know MRTG uses its own file format and it aggregates old data. Of course I…
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Can't run cfgmaker

I need to create a config file for mrtg using cfgmaker, but no metter what I try I always get the following: cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg' --output=/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Usage: cfgmaker [options] [community@]router [[options]…
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MRTG Graph Positoning

I have deployed MRTG 2.16.2. This is running without any issue, The problem is the graph moves Left to Right as in the image. Can we make it Right to Left.
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MRTG Configured; Need to monitor 1-2 Interfaces; Not All

I have configured MRTG on Ubuntu machine & Its working great. I have have configured it for our MPLS router. In that there are many ports which being monitored. I don't want all to be monitored. I want only 1-2 interfaces to be monitored. Can anyone…
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2 answers

MRTG does not give precise value or converts wrong?

By example: I have SNMP response value 59757296, passed to MRTG via conf ("business as usual"). The value is in bytes (I checked specs of the target device plus web interface of device confirms). In theory I should be getting "58356.7" KB in MRTG…
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