Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
1 answer

StartSSL certificate with monit

I'm trying to use a StartSSL (free) SSL certificate with monit. I followed the wizard on to generate first a private key, then a certificate. I then downloaded the and ca.pem files. I combined them all into one…
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3 answers

Have trouble with monit (monit dead but subsys locked)

I installed monit on my centos 6/64bit and somethings wrong. Look at the shell : [root@ND-1003 monit.d]# service monit start Starting monit: monit: generated unique Monit id f8f62f27db2323649f105342f2fbf04d and stored to '/var/monit/id' …
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1 answer

Why can't I see the monit binary in the process list after starting it?

I have monit running and working (I set up a dummy warning that is getting sent), but I don't see any binary called "monit" in the process list. Furthermore if I sort the processes by newest process, the only things I see are the processes relevant…
John Bachir
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4 answers

monit configuration for php-fpm

I'm struggling to find a monit config for php-fpm that works. This is what I've tried: ### Monitoring php-fpm: the parent process. check process php-fpm with pidfile /var/run/php-fpm/ group phpcgi # phpcgi group start program =…
Adam Jimenez
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1 answer

Simplifying monitrc (make it DRY)

Most of the monitrc examples I see are verbose, lots of repeated 5-10 line boilerplate checks. Is there any way to parametize this stuff? I want something like: ensure_rails 8080 ensure_php 8081 ensure_mysql 10000 Do-able with Monit?
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3 answers

Making sense of Ubuntu Server Status Info

I'm trying to create a simple shell script to monitor my server. I plan to set up a CRON job to run it every five or 10 minutes. Here's how it will work: Run a number of linux commands e.g. iostat, mpstat, top, etc. and output the results to a text…
Obi Hill
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5 answers

Custom server monitoring: Monitoring number of specific files in specific directory

I have many server running on live. Each server has many application. Each application has directory like /etc/somedir1, /etc/somedir2 where in each of that directory has many .html files. The application live level is showed as how many .html files…
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1 answer

mysql monitoring with monit

can someone please steer me in the right direction. I'm completely new to Monit, set it up, everything working fine, but I'm having a problem with mysql. This is the set up in my conf file: check process mysql with pidfile…
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3 answers

Puppet defined resource - selective parameterization?

I'm currently banging my head trying to find the "best way" to achieve this type of granularity for puppet: I have a server running memcached in testing environment and another one running for the production environment. These servers run with…
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2 answers

Monit not starting after OS upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Iv recently upgraded the version of Ubuntu from 9.04 to 10.04LTS (through 9.10) and now Monit won't start. Doing a sudo /etc/init.d/monit syntax says the syntax is ok. If I run the command sudo /etc/init.d/monit start I get Starting daemon monitor:…
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4 answers

How do I setup a monit script to check if a directory exists and create it if it doesn't

In the monit documentation I can see there is a check directory command but I can't see any examples of how to use it to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't to create the directory using the mkdir command.
Paul Sturgess
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1 answer

Ubuntu service monitoring like "monit" - do you use it?

What are your thoughts on using any kind of service monitoring to auto restart services that failed? Is monit a good solution?
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1 answer

How can I trigger a Monit event when a service comes back up?

Given a config like this: check host web1 address web1 if failed host web1 port 80 protocol http then exec "/usr/local/bin/ -h web2" Can I detect if web1 has returned from failed state, and perform a "fail back" action? If I were…
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1 answer

Is it safe to run Postfix w/o securing it?

Does postfix need to be secured before it's safe to run it on a production server? I rely on Monit to notify me if certain processes are down or in trouble. For this purpose and this purpose only, I need postfix on the server so that Monit can send…
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1 answer

How to filter by service groups in the monit web frontend?

Monit has a feature called "service groups" ( It allows you to filter by groups using the CLI. But is it possible to use this filter on the web frontend?