Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
5 answers

monit: check process without pidfile

I'm looking for a way to kill all processes with a given name that have been running for more than X amount of time. I spawn many instances of this particular executable, and sometimes it goes into a bad state and runs forever, taking up a lot of…
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4 answers

How i configure monit to start a process with a specific user?

Monit runs with root, but i don't want to start my processes as root.. like mysql, mongrel, apache..
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5 answers

Make monit wait longer before thinking something is dead

I'm trying to start a program (Resque) but it takes a bit of time before a pidfile is written. Thus, I think that Monit thinks the program hasn't started and starts one or two more programs before the before the pidfile of the first one is…
Ramon Tayag
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2 answers

Sending a test/example alert from monit?

I've configured monit tests and alerts — but I want to make sure that everything in my alert stack (outgoing email servers, sms email gateways…) is functioning properly. Is there a handy way to fire off a dummy test alert?
John Bachir
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1 answer

Monit versus Nagios

Does nagios offer any additional functionality when compared to monit? This answer states that monit is a clumsy tool for situational awareness, which is the reason I'm asking the question.
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2 answers

How to find the .pid file for a given process

I'm setting up monit and want to monitor a given python application. Monit does this by looking at the .pid files for processes, but I don't know where this would be. I also tried creating my own simple executable and running it- here too I can't…
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2 answers

Disable Monit alerts when PID changed

When you monitor a process with Monit by its pid, like : check process blop with pidfile /.../ start program = "..." stop program = "..." you get an alert when the pidfile is changed. How do you disable this alert? For example,…
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5 answers

What is the best way to monitor a production server?

We are running two production servers with Apache 2 and MySQL. I am looking for a reliable way of monitoring our load, stability and uptime. I have come across monit, but are there better alternatives?
2 answers

Monit monitor http status with 404 page

I am trying to monitor HTTP status with 404 or 403 page. As you all know Monit takes those pages as failed connection, but how could I change that. I just want to monitor that it shows the 404 or 403 page. I need to check it with this config if its…
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1 answer

how to set up monit to monitor disk-space

I use monit on my server to monitor apache and mysql running. Now I want to add an alert if the disk gets too full. I added this for testing in /etc/monit/monitrc: check device rootfs with path /dev/md0 if space usage > 10% then alert I have…
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1 answer

Monit configuration reload - supposed to restart monitored services?

Running Monit 5.4 on an Ubuntu server. When I use monit reload, it seems that it restarts monitored services (Tomcat 7 in this situation). Is it the expected behavior? Documentation says : reload - Reinitialize a running Monit daemon, the daemon…
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1 answer

Free alternatives to M/Monit interface for the Monit systems management system

I really like Monit systems management system but I have no IT budget to purchase M/Monit interface which is used to manage multiple hosts for our small university lab. I have checked out Ruby based monittr and I see that Django people are cooking…
Predrag Punosevac
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6 answers

Simple way of restarting crashed processes?

I need to monitor several processes running on my webserver. For some reason, varnish currently crashes once every day or two. I'm using monit to supposedly restart varnish automatically, but it doesn't work. Here's my monit.conf entry for…
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4 answers

monit send email does not work

I am trying to use monit, and set up email server using gmail. The configuration file is like this: set mailserver port 587 username "" password "password" using tlsv1 with timeout 30 seconds And I set an alert to…
Jiechao Li
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2 answers

Monit lists Apache as Not Monitored

I've just installed and configured monit according to the monit documentation. All services apart from Apache are listed as Running, but Apache says Not Monitored. The relevant lines in monit's config are: check process apache with pidfile…
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