Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

mod_wsgi is a simple to use Apache module which can host any Python application which supports the Python WSGI interface. The module would be suitable for use in hosting high performance production web sites, as well as your average self managed personal sites running on web hosting services.

399 questions
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Running Python scripts in a browser

I want to start learning Python - and I'm having trouble getting scripts to load up in a browser (using Wamp). So far I've tried the following: 1: add the following lines to httpd.conf: AddHandler cgi-script .py Options ExecCGI I navigate to…
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Redhat | error in mod_swgi installation

I'm getting the following error when I try to install mod_wsgi ./configure checking for apxs2... no checking for apxs... /usr/sbin/apxs checking Apache version... 2.2.3 configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating…
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segfault with mod_wsgi / mod_python after Python upgrade on Gentoo

I'm having a problem after upgrading from Python 2.5 to 2.6 I'm using Gentoo and running a Django app with Apache 2 and mod_python. After the upgrade I started getting a segfault when I try to access the site, Apache starts fine and can serve static…
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2 answers

Reference the matched directory inside an Apache DirectoryMatch directive

I am attempting to configure Apache to host multiple django sites via mod_wsgi. The mod_wsgi setup tutorial gives an example configuration for this scenario where each app is in the same directory: WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/([^/]+)…
Mark Roddy
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Getting Errors while starting mod wsgi (Django app) via apache

Starting up a dockerised django application as a mod wsgi app via apache. Getting an endless stream of below errors. Errors: 2022-06-02 16:05:12.225137 [notice] [pid 10002] mpm_unix.c(436): [client AH00052: child pid 10992 exit signal Aborted…
0 answers

Apache24 on windows returns 'It works' only instead of the virtual hosts

I have configured Apache 24 with mod_wsgi on windows 2016 server for my Django applications and deployed three websites with different IP addresses. I have also configured ssl certificates for each domain and everything is working fine until somehow…
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mod_wsgi daemons not working

I setup mod_wsgi on my ubuntu/apache2 server. I'm trying to run threads but daemons do not work. When I try to run them in the background, nothing happens. My wsgi script: import sys, logging sys.path.insert(0,…
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1 answer

Running multiple flask applications with different domain names using mod_wsgi

We are trying to run 2 different flask applications with different domain names from same server using mod_wsgi + Apache2. This is the settings configured in httpd.conf # For WSGIDaemonProcess yyy python-path=/var/www/yyy WSGIScriptAlias…
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Apaches virtual host config suddenly not working anymore; how to debug?

out of the blue my virtual host config doesn't work anymore. So my setup sould be quite easy: On Port 80, I want to deliver two WSGI apps, and that's the .conf file I'm using: ServerName ######### …
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Apache error log -- how to fix "numpy ImportError" or disable it?

I'm running a Django app on Apache with mod_wsgi -- everything seems to be working but the following error has been really clogging up my logs, running every 30 mins or so with its host of tracebacks: ImportError: Unable to import required…
0 answers

Coworkers think latest Django 3.1.7 needs a mod_wsgi newer than the 3.4.18 provided by Centos 7.9

My coworkers are asking me why we are using the Centos 7.9 provided apache + mod_wsgi for the sake of Django 3.1.7 VERSUS hand assembling a custom build of either Centos 7.9's apache or a custom apache, and the latest or a more recent version of…
1 answer

AH00035: access to / denied 403 Forbidden Django mod-wsgi

I am trying to configure apache with Django using mod-wsgi. But I am getting the following error AH00035: access to / denied (filesystem path '/home/ec2-user/ezvoice') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path URL is showing…
Talha Anwar
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service apache2 start causes error in django

On running apache2 configtest I get Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/firstweb.conf: Invalid command 'WSGIScriptAlias', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration Action 'configtest'…
1 answer

Apache, mod-wsgi: Any URL is served by project, ServerName is ignored

I am setting up a Django project and Apache on Ubuntu 20. The below setup correctly displays the Django project, however ANY URL that points to the server's IP address is served this project. I obviously need to limit this to my particular website…
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How to get to modwsgi 4+ on Centos7

On Centos7, yum pulls in mod_wsgi 3.4 using a yum install. I'm having some problems and multiple resources I have looked at regard this version as ancient and ask the users to upgrade to 4+. I'm not finding the packages online nor any upgrade…
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