Questions tagged [mkfs]

34 questions
7 answers

mkfs fails complaining that: "/dev/sdb is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here"

This is Ubuntu server 11.10. /dev/sdb is not mounted (see outputs below) and is not used by any process that I can see. Its not used for swap as well. This is a 2nd IDE drive in the server, connected to the secondary IDE and set up in hardware raid…
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5 answers

Which "features" of ext4 existing ext4 partition uses?

When I create ext4 filesystem, there are many "features", which I can enable and disable - like has_journal, extent, huge_file and so on. Is there any way to know, which options were used while creating ext4 filesystem (after it been created, I…
Alexey Chernikov
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1 answer

How to create btrfs RAID-1 filesystem (assertion error in mkfs.btrfs)?

I tried to make a btrfs RAID-1 filesystem in "degraded mode" by following the btrfs UseCases instructions but hit a fatal assertion error. Why is this failing, and is there any workaround? The instructions I followed are…
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Format new parition of drive with xfs version 4 in Linux

I am working on an arcade machine and it cannot be updated unfortunately. A drive has corrupted data on it and in order to delete it I need to re-partition that drive. (I know it's the data and not the drive because I have used dd to clone the…
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Can't stop and reformat /dev/md0

I want to reformat /dev/md0, which is a RAID0 array consisting of 4 disks (sd[bcde]). However, when I tried to run the command mke2fs, I received the following error message: /dev/md0 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem…
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2 answers

mkfs refuses to format device in the claim it's mounted when actually it is not

This is the problem: root@ip-10-126-247-82:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvda3 mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010) /dev/xvda3 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here! And this is the debugging: root@ip-10-126-247-82:~# mount /dev/xvda1 on / type ext4 (rw) proc on…
Maxim Veksler
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1 answer

mkfs.ext4 is taking hours to complete on 4 TB RAID 5

I am running mkfs.ext4 on top of LVM on a RAID 5, and it is taking hours to complete. It's a 3 TB, four disks setup, and I'm just doing: mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0 My stripe size and width seem OK. How can I to speed this up?
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1 answer

mkfs.ext4 error with option -O ^64bit

When I run /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit /dev/app/mysqldata command in a script it gives me below error: nd(): null: With return code "1", Output from: "/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit /dev/app/mysqldata" mke2fs 1.42.9 (20-Jan-2014) mkfs.ext4: Size of device…
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2 answers

mkfs on raw software raid device or partition

I am making a huge RAID10 device (8 TB) for storage on CentOS. I have created the 4 partitions on my 4 physical hard disks and have created the raid device /dev/md2 out of those 4 partitions. Now it's time to put a filesystem on it. I am wondering…
Pavel Tankov
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2 answers

mkfs.ext3: Wrong medium type while trying to determine filesystem size

When I try to format the /dev/drbd0 with mkfs.ext3 I get the error message: mkfs.ext3: Wrong medium type while trying to determine filesystem size. I found a solution here:…
Saban Gül
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4 answers

Speeding up creation of large ext3 filesystem on CentOS 5

We are creating a large backup ext3 partition on 16TB RAID array and the mke2fs took 2.5 hours to complete. Are there any known tricks we can use to shorten this time? The aim is to lower the time to get us back on our feet if a disaster strikes and…
Amos Shapira
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1 answer

DRBD Over LVM MKFS and accessing device

I admit I am in the experimental stage at this point, but as I read the documentation, this shouldn't be a problem. I am configuring DRBD over LVM. As I understand the drbd00.res file, I should be accessing the device as /dev/drbd00. But, that…
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1 answer

How to know if some data already exists on a device disk?

The simple way to check if disk include filesystem is to do: mount /grid/sdb /mnt and if sdb or other /dev/sdx have file-system then mount will be succeeded, if not. Probably file system exists! But this is an ugly way to check that. What the…
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2 answers

RAID issues - running mkfs on /dev/md0

I had some issues mounting my RAID array in that an error was thrown saying that an ext3 filesystem could not be found on /dev/md0. So, maybe stupidly, i ran mkfs -t ext3 /dev/md0 - has this destroyed the data on the disks? I can't seem to find it…
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1 answer

get mkfs.xfs options from existing xfs filesystem

I set up a new server last week, did some testing with different mkfs.xfs options on mdadm raid5, i finally found some statisfying mkfs options. Now i am about to set up a new server having exactly the same disk setup Unfortunately i did not write…
Niko S P
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