Questions tagged [mitkerberos]

MIT implementation of Kerberos (

MIT implementation of Kerberos (

documentation can be found here :

69 questions
0 answers

Kerberos kdc is unable to bind to ldap

I am following this guide to setup Kerberos with LDAP. I have followed all the steps. But when I am running kadmin.local it exits with following error: Authenticating as principal root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password. kadmin.local: Cannot bind to…
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1 answer

Is it possible to change an MIT Kerberos password programmatically?

First of all, I'm not an infrastructure guy, I'm a developer, so please excuse me if I'm leaving important information out. I just need to determine if the following is possible, and if so, how to proceed. When a user changes their Active Directory…
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0 answers

Kerberos cross realm authentication for kadmin

We have set up cross realm authentication using MIT Kerberos, it's quite straightforward if you adhere to the docs. But we are missing one feature: We'd like to be able to authenticate to the kadmind of some "sub"-realms using principals in an…
Sascha K
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0 answers

kinit unable to connect

I'm trying to connect to a Kerberos running on ApacheDS. Here is the initial LDIF I've loaded on LDAP: dn: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com ou: Users description: Example.Com Users objectClass: organizationalUnit dn:…
1 answer

GSSAPI on Linux when reverse DNS lookup doesn't match AD DNS suffix

I have CentOS 6 server that has been joined to Active Directory using Samba and net ads join -k. It thus has a keytab like this: Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab KVNO Principal ----…
0 answers

FreeRadius-GoogleAuthenticator-Kerberos Password Change Weirdness

We are using FreeRadius, Kerberos and Google Authenticator to implement two-factor authentication. The two factor auth works fine, both from radtest and from a Watchguard firewall. To log in, a user enters their Kerberos password and concatenates…
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Why does MIT Kerberos kinit warn "Your passwod will expire" when your principal is what is about to expire?

While doing some experimenting I noticed that the MIT Kerberos version 5 "kinit" program will warn you when either your password is about to expire (within 7 days) or when your principal is about to expire. However, the warning message is identical…
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1 answer

Alfresco with only MIT Kerberos: What authentication.chain?

I want Alfresco to authenticate users using SSO with MIT Kerberos. What authentication.chain should I use? I tried authentication.chain=kerberos1:kerberos without success. Based on this answer I have also set up an LDAP server containing the same…
Nicolas Raoul
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0 answers

Alfresco with Kerberos: Error creating bean with name globalAuthenticationFilter

I configured Alfresco 4.2.c to work with MIT Kerberos, following the documentation. Because the documentation is only for Active Directory, I adapted some part to Kerberos by reading the forum. Upon starting Alfresco, I get this error: 04:01:38,725…
Nicolas Raoul
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1 answer

Unable to Login to kadmin from Kerberos Client

I have a small problem of getting my client to authenticate to a kerberos server that I just setup. Whenever I run: [root@localhost log]# kadmin -r KERBEROS.MONZELL.COM -p host/ Authenticating as principal…
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3 answers

Server Not Found in Kerberos database - where is the database located?

Testing setup: Weblogic running on a Windows 10 machine joined to an active directory JVM 1.8.0_281 The java web application is using Java GSSAPI to access the fileshare over Samba essentially using the code from…
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3 answers

Moving from OpenLDAP/Kerberos to Active Directory

I have a well working setup using OpenLDAP for user information and Kerberos for authentication, but we need to have windows integration too, and for this we have decided that moving into Active Directory could be a good idea. Moving account…
1 answer

Migrating from Heimdal to MIT Kerberos

Does anyone know of any existing documentation, HOWTO, SE question, or even a blog post that shows an example Kerberos database migration from Heimdal to MIT KDCs? Has anyone done this operation themselves, and if so, did you discover any pitfalls,…
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1 answer

SSSD Based on KDC and OpenLDAP?

I've installed a MIT KDC instance backed by an OpenLDAP instance, all running on RHEL 7. I'm wanting to configure SSSD to pull users and groups from this combination, but I'm running into a lot of issues, since most documentation assumes AD. The…
Dave McGinnis
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2 answers

What does it mean to "add" a principal to a keytab file in Kerberos?

In this documentatation they mention that you can use the ktadd command that "add a principal to an existing keytab". Does adding a principal mean that the principal now has access to that host (in which ktadd was run) or that the host (in which…
Jorge Silva
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