Questions tagged [mapping]

96 questions
1 answer

Q: NGINX - Dynamically mapping multiple different domain names through 'map' to use as "server_name"

Looking for some advice and peer input - I'm currently trying to configure NGINX in a way so that I can configure multiple websites at the same time without having to set up individual VHost configs or declaring multiple 'server {}' entries with…
Kārlis K.
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Give exclusive AD access to Mapped Drive via GPO

I want to know how to provide a user with exclusive access to a folder, but not other folders. The folder root is located here: DC1\\UserFolders\%username% I use a GPO to map that user's folder. But the problem is that it only maps if the user…
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Setting up nginx redirect map: how to handle spaces

How can you handle spaces in the original url in a redirect map? The map I have set up seems to be working properly for other redirects. However, for urls with spaces, I tried: ‘/banner ads.htm’ /links/link-humor-times/; …but that’s not working.…
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Tomcat 8.5 can't load @WebServlet annotations

I want to transfer my web application from tomcat7 / java7 to tomcat 8.5 / java8. My application consists of a directory with some JSP files & WEB-INF folder which contains my application's web.xml :
Ehsan Khodarahmi
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Setting up a virtual ftp directory that points to another computer

I have II5 sitting on an old Windows 2000 Professional box. It has an FTP site there that allows me to access files. It works great, no problem at all. However, now I need to setup a virtual directory that points to a share on another computer on…
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How do I add new users so the drives are mapped upon login?

In an existing Windows Server 2008 domain the users added by professional IT administrators automatically mapped drives when they logged onto any office machine. The new users I've added, however, don't appear to be mapping drives as expected. My…
Adam Davis
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AWS Windows Drive Letter Device Mapping and Naming

How to change assigned letter for Ephemeral drives automatically? Answers part of my question. I'm not sure how to, after assigning a drive letter in ec2config, to then rename the drive. Not re-letter, that was already done via the drive mapping…
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How to redirect a domain to a specific IP and port using nginx?

I have read several similar questions to this one in this forum, but not exactly the same, I tried every solution in very different ways but I am not able to manage this. I was given some data about a server. In this server, I have to install an…
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iis Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

I have been googling this for hours. I cannot get my mapping to work on certain certificate fields. Fx this sample code:
Oliver Nilsen
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IPv6 and IPv4 mapped address

I've a box with 1 private IPv4 (192.168.0.X) and some IPv6 (let's call one Y::Z). I have an application listening on 192.168.0.X on port 1234 and an application that want to connect to that service but use Y::Z as source address. So I thought about…
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2 answers

Physical Layout Mapping

I'm curious to know what kind of tools or methods, if any, you guys use for tracking and mapping physical hardware at the network drop level - things like individual NIC Cards, cables, drops, switches, servers themselves, workstations, etc. within a…
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cPanel server - redirect from local IP to URL

This is a very basic question. I'm running a VPS, and I can run web apps on the server to any local ip/port as I choose. How do I actually get these local ips/ports mapped to live domains registered on the server to make my site accessible? It's a…
Ankit Soni
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GPO for drive mapping won't work with %LogonUser% in location field

I'm struggling with a problematic drive mapping user preference where I'm trying to use the user's %LogonUser% variable to a network location (eg. \server\folder\users\%LogonUser%), but the drive mapping fails to appear after logging off and logging…
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2 answers

how to configure Lighttpd to redirect page.cgi to page.php?

We have an older web-enabled device serving an info.cgi web page to a client device. We would like to have that same client device access a newer device without any changes, which runs lighttpd with php-cgi. The functionality is easily accessible on…
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How to make lighttpd remap a part of the URL without sending a redirection?

Same than here, but for lighttpd. I have pictures on a path looking like this: /0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg The URL to access it looks like this: /static/0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg I'd like it to look like…
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