Questions tagged [maildir]

Maildir is an email storage format where each message is kept in a separate file with a unique name, and each folder is a directory.

Maildir is a directories structure to for storing message. It is an alternative for old storage format: . Maildirs were originally implemented in the Qmail mail server, supposedly to address the inadequacies of mbox files. Instead storing it to one single huge file like mbox method, each email will be placed in one file. By storing it in multiple file,multiple processes can use maildir at the same time.

Maildir directories usually has three sub-directories named tmp, new and cur. When MDA stores an email, it place the email on tmp directory then moving it to new. The cur directory was place for email that have been seen by the user's mail-reading program.

107 questions
2 answers

Move 53,800+ files into 54 separate folders with ~1000 files each?

Trying to import 53,800+ individual files (messages) using Gmail's POP fetcher. Gmail understandably refuses, giving the error: "Too many messages to download. There are too many messages on the other server." The folder in question looks like…
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1 answer

maildir in Windows for IMAP

I'm interested in accessing my IMAP accounts offline. I found that maildirs are a simple way to make it work. I found that [offlineimap] takes care of almost everything in making the IMAP->maildir sync happen. Then, I can open the account in Mutt…
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1 answer

Dovecot: issue with converting mdbox to MailDir

I have a problem to convert mdbox to MailDir. Log from that process looks like: /bin/dsync -Dv -u mirror maildir:/tmp/destination/mailboxes/ Debug: Loading modules from directory: /lib/dovecot Debug: Module loaded:…
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1 answer

Dovecot Sieve doesn't move spam to Junk folder in maildir

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 mail server with postfix/spamassassin/dovecot with virtual mailboxes in maildir format. The whole process is working excellently since a year. Spams are marked with "*****SPAM*****" in subject and with "X-Spam-Flag: YES" in…
Tibor Nagy
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1 answer

Convert a raw email message to plain text in linux

I'm in the cur folder of a maildir store. I want to cat a message .. pipe it to a command .. and have the body of the message spit out. Simple. Example: If its a mime message .. and there is a plaintext version .. show me the plaintext .. If its an…
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1 answer

Dovecot and lz4: unknown handler

I'm trying to compress my incoming Maildir-formatted mail. My server is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. In /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf: mail_plugins = $mail_plugins zlib In /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf: plugin { zlib_save_level = 9 zlib_save =…
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1 answer

I use postfix, why does my Maildir contain 14,000 files?

As I am about to drop a server, I thought, I should clean up my Maildir directory, just in case. It may contain some emails with password and such so I do not want those to be readable by others. I used the following command line: find Maildir/…
Alexis Wilke
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1 answer

Mail delivered but not seen in client

I have the following mail server setup (dovecot --version = 2.2.13 , postfix version=2.11.3-1), the user aliases are stored in mariadb and the authentication is against an active directory server. Everything seems to be fine (alias lookup, NTLM…
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1 answer

Some IMAP folders not showing in Roundcube after email server migration

I'm in the process of moving email servers and am having some with nested IMAP folder. The new server uses a mailinabox installation and is based on postfix, just as the old email server was. I thus copied over the entire contents of the email…
duck degen
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1 answer

Migrate Dovecot 0.99 to Dovecot 2.x and preserve POP UIDs

I have an old server running Sendmail and Dovecot 0.99. There are about 50 email accounts on this server, associated with various domain names hosted on it. The email data is stored in MBOX format on the old server. I need to migrate these email…
Ryan Griggs
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2 answers

Postfix maildir delivery failed - are my mails lost?

I was facing the problem that postfix could not deliver emails to my home-directory. I have a running Ubuntu 14.04 server and due to some problem with encrypted home-drive postfix was not able to access my Maildir. In mail.log I got the following…
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0 answers

Correct Namespace config for Sent/Drafts/Trash with dovecot

Dovecot seems to configure namespaces by default (conf.d/10-mail.conf and conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf) this way: # 10-mail.conf mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u namespace inbox { inbox = yes } # 15-mailboxes.conf namespace inbox { …
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2 answers

Procmail and thunderbird: folder/maildir created with root as owner

I have a mailserver configured(spamassassin+procmail+sendmail+dovecot) I want all spam mails redirected to spam folder I set /etc/procmail DEFAULT=/var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME/new ORGMAIL=/var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME MAILDIR=/var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME #…
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1 answer

Create a Dovecot Maildir structure (with indexes) from loose Maildir files: Best way?

I have a directory with a few thousand email files from another Dovecot-based server, but they have no indexes. I'd like to "import" these into an existing, live Dovecot directory structure such that the index files and the new/, /cur and /tmp…
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Quota in Postfix, Dovecot with Maildir Not working

I've some problem with quota with Maildir. If I install a plugin in Thunderbird that shows Quota's it's working and my quota is like 300%. But I can still send and recieve mails. I'm not running any sql database, I'm only using the Maildir format…
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