Trying to import 53,800+ individual files (messages) using Gmail's POP fetcher.

Gmail understandably refuses, giving the error: "Too many messages to download. There are too many messages on the other server."

The folder in question looks like similar to:


Using the shell (tcsh, sh, etc. on FreeBSD), what one-line command can I type to split this directory full of files into separate folders so Gmail only sees 1000 messages at a time? Something with find or ls | xargs mv maybe. Whatever is fastest.

The desired output directory would now look something like:

/usr/home/customer/set1/ (contains messages 1-1000)
/usr/home/customer/set2/ (contains messages 1001-2000)
/usr/home/customer/set3/ (etc.)
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2 Answers2


It's not a one-liner, but you could copy chunks like this (in csh):

foreach file (`ls | head -n 1000`)
mv $file /tmp/new/dir

I'm not 100% sure that pipe will work with the number of files you've got, but it's worth a shot. Also, you might be able to do 500 at a time with this command, just change that 1000 to 500.

Chris S
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find srcdir/ -type f |
    while read file; do


        [ -d $target ] || mkdir $target

        echo mv "$file" $target; #remove the 'echo' if you like what you see

collapsed to a single line (and with the 'echo' safeguard removed):

count=target=0; find srcdir/ -type f | while read file; do count=$((count+1)); target=$((count/10000)); [ -d $target ] || mkdir $target; mv "$file" $target; done

This isn't the fastest but it's clean. this solution avoids parsing the output of 'ls' http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs and quotes the references to "$file" otherwise files with abnormal names (as Maildir files often are) would break the code. For example if any of the files have spaces or semicolons then referencing $file without quotes isn't going to get you far (most of the time)

Read more about quoting: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes and http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/words

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