Questions tagged [maatkit]

9 questions
2 answers

mk-table-sync in a master-slave scenario: Changes not replicated to the slave

I have being employing mk-table-sync to synchronise tables from a master to slave on mysql 5.1. Unfortunately, while differences are correctly detected, modifications done on the master (DELETE,REPLACE,ecc.) do not seem to be propagated to the…
Fulvio Scapin
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2 answers

Help me understand mk-heartbeat

Seconds_Behind_Master from SHOW SLAVE STATUS is considered an unreliable measure of Slave lag. mk-heartbeat is often offered as a reliable alternative. Now mk-heartbeat does not even need the Slave to be…
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2 answers

MySQL binlog analyzing and reporting tool

One of the databases I maintain has recently increased its write load by 2x. In order to find out what insert/update statements are causing that load increase, I'm looking for a tool to report and analyze mysql binlog files. I've looked at Maatkit,…
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5 answers

MySQL slave out of sync with master

Our slave, which is just used for backups, is out of sync. It has crashed out on a key restraint. I would like to find a way to resync up the slave without taking the master offline, I know I can do it that way but I believe it is possible not to. I…
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2 answers

How to install a local .deb file

I'm trying to install the last version of maatkit in debian Lenny. I couldn't find a repository with the last version, so I got the .deb file. The problem is How to I install this file? man aptitude gave me no clues. A repository would be the ideal…
The Disintegrator
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1 answer

mysql & maatkit: What kind of blocking will mk-table-checksum do?

We have two MySQL servers set up with simple master-slave replication. We currently use all MyISAM tables, but may move to InnoDB in the future. Our largest tables are more then 2GB. I would like to use the mk-table-checksum tools to run checksums…
Stefan Lasiewski
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2 answers

A few tables are still out of sync after running mk-table-sync

I have 1 master and 2 slaves. I am using MySQL 5.1.42 on all servers. I am attempting to use mk-table-checksum to verify that their data is in sync, but I am getting unexpected results on one of the slaves. First, I generate the checksums on the…
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2 answers

how to sync mysql tables using maatkit tools

I know my slave is at least a little out of sync from the master... and reading I found that many places say that mk-table-checksum + mk-table-sync from maatkit are the tool I should use to fix this. The issue is that I can't find any good example…
Gabriel Sosa
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3 answers

MySQL RESET [integer]

In an audit of queries running on our databases using tcpdump and Maatkit tools, the number one query is RESET [int] Running this statement from the MySQL command line results in an error as RESET should only accept parameters master, query cache…
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