Questions tagged [lvs]

LVS is the Linux Virtual Server, It offers persistent load balancing built ontop of the linux kernel.

94 questions
1 answer

LVS router stopped working after reboot

I am using RHEL 6.8 for load balancing using LVS direct routing. For some reason I had to restart my LVS router. after rebooting, LVS service was not working I have done following things, still it is not working /sbin/chkconfig --level 0123456…
1 answer

strange behaviour while creating NFS datastore on load balanced servers

BACKGROUND vSphere client version = 5.1.0 VMWare ESXi version = 5.1.0 Server OS = RHEL version 6.8 virtualip = virtual IP server1 = ip address of server 1 server2 = ip address of server 2 lvsserver = ip address of lvs router IPVSADM…
1 answer

LVS Keepalived connection between master and backup

I configured two lvs keepalived servers. The first is master server, ip, iptables closed. The second is backup server, ip, iptables closed. the network connection between two servers is ok (verified by ping) But, the problem is…
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1 answer

Which cloud providers which let you spoof an outgoing IP address, and how?

I have a web application which is load-balanced using LVS which has been hosted within my organization's network to this point. We've used both direct and tunnel routing within LVS, which results in our real servers using the VIP's IP as the source…
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