

  • vSphere client version = 5.1.0
  • VMWare ESXi version = 5.1.0
  • Server OS = RHEL version 6.8
  • virtualip = virtual IP
  • server1 = ip address of server 1
  • server2 = ip address of server 2
  • lvsserver = ip address of lvs router
  • IPVSADM rules
    • ipvsadm -A -t virtualip:0 -s rr -p
    • ipvsadm -a -t virtualip:0 -r server2:0 -g
    • ipvsadm -a -t virtualip:0 -r server1:0 -g
    • ipvsadm -A -t virtualip:2049 -s rr
    • ipvsadm -a -t virtualip:2049 -r server1:2049 -g
    • ipvsadm -a -t virtualip:2049 -r server2:2049 -g

/etc/exports on both servers (server1, server2)

/vm0    *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

Both servers contains /vm0 folder


scenario 1: on server1

root@server1 ~# mount -t nfs server2:/vm0 /vm0
root@server1 ~# service nfs restart

tried to create NFS datastore using following credentials

server = virtualip
Folder = /vm0
Datastore name = vm0

RESULT success!

scenario 2:

    root@server1 ~# umount vm0

    root@server2 ~# mount -t nfs server1:/vm0 /vm0
    root@server2 ~# service nfs restart

tried to create NFS datastore using following credentials

server = virtualip Folder = /vmo Datastore name = vm0 RESULT Failed!


Call "HostDatastoreSystem.CreateNasDatastore" for object "ha-datastoresystem" on ESXi (ESXi_ip) failed. NFS mount (virtualip):/vm0 failed: The mount request was denied by the NFS server. Check that the export exists and that the client is permitted to mount it.

logs traced using tshark

33.916294107 (virtualip) -> (ESXi_ip) MOUNT 100 V3 MNT Reply (Call In 41) Error:ERR_ACCESS

  • 1
    I'm sorry. This doesn't make sense. What are you trying to do? Why are you using a load balancer for ESXi datastores and NFS? – ewwhite Feb 20 '17 at 06:29
  • @ewwhite actually, I want to achieve the load balancing while creating ESXi datastores for NFS. I am expecting that whenever I try to create the NFS datastore, everytime different server (server1 or server2) should do it. – IAmSurajBobade Feb 20 '17 at 06:40
  • 2
    This is a bad idea. Why would you want load-balanced datastores? VMware is not intended to work that way. – ewwhite Feb 20 '17 at 06:51
  • @ewwhite yes. you are right. but, I am trying to load balance the load-balance the **requests** and not the **datastore**.... and I am testing this setup using ESXi datastore as of now. to be exact, I need to load balance the NFS requests and ESXi is the only option that I have currently. – IAmSurajBobade Feb 20 '17 at 07:24

1 Answers1



All the NFS datastore requests to EXSi server are actually sent through VIP only (same IP everytime), this caused ESXi to use the cached information every time.


use file system id (FSID) for all the intries in the /etc/exports file. eg:

/<mount_folder> *(rw,sync,no_root_squash, fsid=1000)