Questions tagged [log-shipping]

Log shipping is a feature that replicates a database by taking regular incremental backups, transporting them files and restoring on a destination server. The destination database can be accessed in a read-only mode.

This is commonly used for off-site backup or reporting purposes, so that heavy reports can be run against the destination database rather than adding load to the praimary (usually customer facing) server.

The destination database can be accessed as a read-only database during the gaps between the database restore.

This technique is supported by Microsoft SQL Server, 4D Server and PostgreSQL.

36 questions
1 answer

How do I change the number of days a copied transaction log is kept in a log shipping configuration?

I think this is a pretty simple and perhaps stupid question. I've established log shipping between two SQL Server 2008 servers using the GUI (i.e. the SQL Server Management Studio). It's been running fine -- but now I want to change the number of…
1 answer

Biztalk 2009 logshipping with SQL 2008

I am setting up biztalk logshipping for Biztalk 2009 database. Following article, I am doing the following to setup biztalk logshipping on destination server: Enable Ad-hoc queries…
1 answer

Setup secondary server for Transaction Log Shipping without connection to primary server

I'm having a hard time with SQL Transaction Log Shipping with the following premisses: Server A, where data gets loaded to the database Server B is on a remote location The two servers never share a common network and can communicate via common…
Niclas Lindqvist
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2 answers

How to achieve the following RTO & RPO with logshipping only using SQL Server?

Trying to come up with viable backup restore & logshipping solution for achieving the following: 15 minutes Recovery Point Objective (no more than 15 minutes data loss at any time) 5 minutes Recovery Time Objective (must be able to get the db up…
Jimmy Chandra
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1 answer

Is there a convenient way to manually copy the Log Shipping *.trn files from one SQL 2008 server to another?

We have a remote SQL 2008 server (ServerB) that needs to keep a warm (15 minute interval is OK) copy of production data (ServerA). ServerA is also SQL 2008. Log Shipping looks like it will do the job. We can only get to the destination ServerB with…
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log shipping of biztalk database on SQL server 2008 standard edition

I want to do log shipping for biztalk databases on SQL server 2008 standard edition (server A) to another SQL server 2008 standard edition (server B). I was told that for biztalk, logshipping is not like standard logshipping. I was able to find 2…
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1 answer

SQL: server 2008 database stuck in Restore

I have two SQL Server 2008 R2 servers one for PROD and the other for DR. I am trying to add log shipping for a database called School. Steps so far Back up School database Restore with database using the UI or using the following SQL statement …
2 answers

How I can get db's current restore mdoe status by query?

So, my db can be in three differrent statuses. RECOVERY NORECOVERY STANDBY And I want to know current db's status by query. Can you help me ? The single what I've found is SELECT is_in_standby FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = 'MyDb1' And…
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Changing from database mirroring to transaction log shipping

I'm considering dumping database mirroring and go with transaction log shipping on our SQL Server 2008 Standard server instead, because there's a noticeable performance hit due to the principal being a beefier machine. Is it non-trivial to do? I am…
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2 answers

SQL log shipping for reporting

I would like to create a read-only copy of my SQL Server 2008 database on a secondary server for reporting and analysis. I've been testing log shipping, configured to run every 5 minutes or so. Alas, there appears to be a stumbling block, for…
Patrick J Collins
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2 answers

Log Shipping and Security for reporting

I have a SQL 2008 server with a database replicated via log shipping to a reporting server. The reporting server database gets updated once a day. The reporting server database is left in Standby/Read-Only mode in between applying the transaction…
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1 answer

Bring back to restoring state an online database

I configured logshipping for a database. I did some tests and tried a controlled failover. During log shipping secondary db is in restoring state. To have a controlled failover i stopped the primary database. then i put online my secondary db…
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1 answer

Restore backup from SQL 2008 to 2008R2 with standby

We are looking to replicate our production database to another instance so that when reports are run, it doesn't slow down the application to the point of being barely usable. I had limited success with SQL Server Replication, but as the…
2 answers

Log Shipping breaking daily on SQL Server 2005

I am facing a somewhat serious problem with Log Shipping on SQL Server 2005 and I am having trouble to correct it, so I will try some help from SF's experts. I have a Windows 2003 Server (PROD) that ships transactional log backups to another two…
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1 answer

How to change the email address where SQL Server sends log shipping warnings to?

Years ago, I set up log shipping in our main database. I'm sure that I had to enter my email address somewhere, because every time when something bad happens now (for example, when the secondary database is not in sync), SQL Server sends warning…