Questions tagged [linux-vserver]

Linux-VServer provides virtualization for GNU/Linux systems.

This is accomplished by kernel level isolation. It allows to run multiple virtual units at once. Those units are sufficiently isolated to guarantee the required security, but utilize available resources efficiently, as they run on the same kernel.

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26 questions
1 answer

Linux says my space is full with 2.4/50gb used

Today I ran across a problem and I'm not sure if it's a wrong configuration of my hosting provider, because I haven't changed anything about the file system. df -h says: df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/simfs 50G 2.4G 0 …
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3 answers

Why LXC when there is linux-vserver?

I am no LXC expert, but as far as I know it is really similar to linux-vserver. If that is correct, I wonder why there is another player in the already crowded virtualization camp? What does LXC provide (or promise) that linux-vserver doesn't…
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Apache in linux-vserver won't start, can't create socket

During extensive research and testing to write a proper question worthy of stackexchange I found a solution: rebuild the libapr1 package inside the guest.I thought I'd nevertheless post this information as it could be useful to others. Problem When…
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6 answers

Any alternative firewall solutions for debian that aren't based on netfilter / iptables?

I have a virtual server running Debian. It's host OS is using Linux Vserver and due to its lack of support for network namespaces, using iptables to secure the box is not an option. I did many searches looking for alternatives but so far I'm only…
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3 answers

No space left on device

I have a vServer and I can't upload/copy files. It says "no space left on device" but I have like 130 GB on my hdd. This is what it shows on: df -h / df -h / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/volume-root …
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Java 7 on a V-Server: "Could not reserve enough space for object heap"

I've just installed Java 7 & Jenkins on a V-Server with 1Gb of RAM # java -version Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception…
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0 answers

Process blocking or disk corruption? Very high load + wait times, but low CPU/memory use

I am using a vServer that is suddenly experiencing very high wait times (10/20/30 seconds) or even timeouts on basic requests since yesterday after being in use for over a year without any problems. This is my configuration: 8 CPU vCores, 32 GB…
0 answers

Add Linux VPS (cloud VPS) to Local Network using VPN or IPSec

I have a Linux (Debian 8) VPS (cloud based VPS, not on Google Cloud platform, but that should not matter) on running a software PBX system. I want this remote cloud based Linux VPS to appear on my local LAN (local subnet) as if I bought a blank…
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1 answer

WP in docker container hacked - Server sends Phishing mails - disable container from other OS with the server volume mounted?

Wordpress that has not been updated in a docker container on a vServer has probably been hacked since the provider notified me about the server sending phishing mails and deactivated my machine. Now they let me run a rescue linux from where I can…
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2 answers

Linux-Vserver: How to do upgrade Debian 5.0 to 6.0 on vservers and main machine?

I have server with debian lenny. I installed vserver on this server a few years ago. Summary I have 5 guest of vservers and main system, now. Each guest is debian lenny. Now, I'm wanting upgrade from lenny to squeezy on this servers (each Vservers…
Bartosz Kowalczyk
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2 answers

How to make Tomcat Webapp not only accessible on port 8080 but also on port 80

I'm currently trying to set up my first V-Server (CentOS 7) with Tomcat to run a Web-App. Everything works fine now, but I am facing one last problem that stops me from releasing it: I can only access my Tomcat WebApp via…
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I keep getting counter_cpu_share_used alerts in in Virtuozzo - do I have to take action?

On my Hosteurope vServer, I keep getting these counter_cpu_share_used alerts in Virtuozzo, basically whenever I actively use my vServer. Screenshot As you can see, I get red alerts all the time. It happens I encode a video using ffmpeg, boot up my…
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Setup docker-ce on Xeon E5-2680 v2

I tried to install docker-ce on a vServer with Ubuntu 16.04.4 hosted at Strato, having a Xeon E5-2680 v2. The error: myuser@myserver:~$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce ... docker-ce (18.03.1~ce-0~ubuntu) wird eingerichtet ... Job for docker.service…
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1 answer

Running LXC or Docker containers with a VServer container

Is it possible to run Docker or LXC containers within a Linux VServer container. Does it require special kernel modules to be installed on the VServer.
Nadir Latif
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/dev/pts/ptmx in Centos 6.4

I have a problem with the server running on CentOS. CentOs has been upgraded to version 6.4 and has all updates. Updates were made according to the official repositories. On the server running the V-Server. Local…
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